摘 要:中国古典诗词拥有三千年的悠久历史,是中华文明的瑰宝。在本文中,作者根据许渊冲先生的翻译理论对中国古典诗词翻译中的音美、形美、意美这三个方面分别进行了论述。音美主要指节奏美与押韵美;形美指的是诗段的长短与每段诗句所含音节数量的规律性;意美,诗歌最重要的元素,指的是忠实并灵活地传递原诗的意思——这就要求译者对中国古代文学历史知识的掌握与对原诗上下文意思的透彻理解。
On Reproduction of "Three Beauties" In C-E Translation of Classical Chinese Poetry
Abstract: With a long history of three thousand years, classical Chinese poetry is the gem of Chinese culture and civilization. In this essay, account is given to each of the three aspects, namely, beauty in form, beauty in meter and beauty in idea separately for the translation of classical Chinese poetry according to Xu Yuanchong’s “Three Beauties” principle. Beauty in form refers to the regularity of length of poem lines and the syllables each line contains; Beauty in meter mainly consists of beauty in rhythm and beauty in rhyme; beauty in idea, the most important element of a poem, lies in the faithfully and artistically conveying of the meaning of the original, which requires the translators’ grasp of the history of classical Chinese literary and the thorough understanding of the original context.
Key words: Three beauties;Classical Chinese poetry;Translation