关键词:内容制作;互联网思维 ;大数据;
Internet growing stronger all walks of life so as to change the natural mode becomes possible, high user groups, interactive, platform-type having its own has its great commercial value. The traditional film and television industry is also quietly began to change in the process. Internet thinking but also to change the traditional mode of thinking. Film and television industry in content production, marketing model, also with the gradual dissemination of the Internet. Internet not only broadens the spread of television channels, enrich the production of content, increase the diversity of patterns, leaving a new business model becomes possible in the film industry. [来源:http://www.doc163.com]
By contrasting with the Internet environment and to change the traditional film industry, the conditions of modern Internet technology: big data and dissemination of technology in the film industry, film and television industry to provide a theoretical basis for the next development. At the same time, he cited a number of success has been achieved in this context of the film, by the depth of excavation and analyzes the Internet video compared to traditional film advantage in the research process to arrive at the current direction of development and trends in the film industry for the future of film and television development provides a factual basis.
Key Words:content creation; Internet thinking; big data;
摘要 I
Abstract II
第1章 绪论 1
1.1研究背景 1
1.2国内“互联网+”影视行业现状 1
1.3研究目的 2
1.4论文组织结构 2
第2章 “互联网+”影视较传统影视改变 3
2.1传统融资模式的改变 3
2.1.1影视众筹模式的兴起 3
2.1.2互联网企业直接投放 4
2.1.3影视作品的版权交易 4
2.2影视内容制作的改变 5
2.2.1“影视内容”成为决定影视作品决定因素 5
2.2.2 文本内容趋向于可写化 5
2.2.3 影视题材趋向于年轻化 5
2.2.4 影视版权趋向于自主化 6
第3章 互联网技术在影视行业的应用 7
3.1互联网影视节目传播分析技术 7
3.1.1节目库自动构建技术 7
3.1.2节目识别技术 7
3.1.3传播技术的发展对影视行业的意义 8
3.2大数据的技术应用对影视行业影响 8
3.2.1大数据发展对影视行业意义所在 8
3.2.2大数据对于传播模式的逆向 8
3.2.3产业价值的重建 9
3.2.4《纸牌屋》与大数据的案例分析 9
3.2.5大数据在影视行业中的利与弊 9
第4章 影视在互联网思维下的动态发展 11
4.1“用户思维”在电影制作过程中发挥作用 11
4.2“社交思维”对影视行业口碑效应价值的效应 11
4.3“平台思维”优化了影视资源的配置 11
第5章 总结与展望 13
5.1本文总结 13 [资料来源:Doc163.com]
5.2研究展望 13
参考文献 14
致 谢 15