Research on evolution law of network public opinion in emergency
-- a case study of micro-blog Sina data analysis
ABSTRACT:Emergency network public opinion refers to when an emergency occurs, the evolution of public opinion can be divided into latent, formation, diffusion, regression four stages. With the popularity of 4G network, the process of getting information is more and more simple. At the same time, the convenience and anonymity of the Internet makes people's Web address. When the unexpected event comes, people can get information on the network platform, such as micro-blog and forum through mobile phones, while publishing their views. At the same time, malicious speculation and try to figure out often cause the parties by two damage. The Gooseeker micro blog case data acquisition, the data were analyzed using SPSS, through clustering analysis of network public opinion analysis, it is concluded that micro V opinion leaders on the development of public opinion has great role in promoting, and government in a timely manner to actively take measures can effectively control of public opinion.
.Key word:Emergencies: public opinion network evolution;law;Weibo
1、引言 5
1.1研究框架 5
1.2研究背景与意义 6
1.2.1研究背景 6
1.2.2研究意义 6
1.3文献综述 8
2.理论基础 9
2.1突发事件网络舆情的概念 9
2.2 网络舆情演化分析 9
2.2.1网络舆情生命周期理论 9
2.2.2网络舆情演化阶段 9
2.3数据挖掘方法论 10 [来源:http://www.doc163.com]
3应用工具及方法 12
3.1SPSS Statistics和SPSS Modeler 12
3.2聚类分析 12
4实例分析 13
4.1数据收集 13
4.2数据整理 14
4.2.1数据的统计 14
4.2.2数据的选择 16
4.2.3数据的预处理 16
4.3聚类分析 17
4.4结果分析 19
5结论和不足 21
参考文献 22
致谢 24 [资料来源:Doc163.com]