关键词:体育院校 服装表演专业 现状 存在问题 应对策略
Setting problems and coping strategies on the national sports colleges fashion show major
Abstract:2003 China International Fashion Week, Chinese model exhibition style, Chinese model "invasion" voice of the international show continues, China optimistic about prospects for the development model, in such a good situation, the National Sports College have set up various types of professional fashion show. But there are still a professional fashion show weak teachers exist, inadequate quality students, the curriculum is not reasonable and advanced characteristics such issues, this paper literature, methods telephone interview, logical analysis to the professional development of college sports apparel performing process conduct analysis and research on the problems, power sports colleges in costume performing solve problems encountered in the process of professional development,exploring strategies suited to their own development.
Keywords:sports colleges;fashion show major;status;problems;strategies
随着服装行业的迅速发展,服装的展示环节中对文化内涵的不断提高,模特行业也被赋予了新的评判标准。“模特”再也不能只是展示服装的“道具”,而应该是有学历、有文化、有修养的一批专业技能型人才。2003中国国际时装周上,中国模特大展风采,中国模特“大举入侵”国际秀场的声音仍在继续,中国模特发展前景乐观,在如此大好的形势下,全国各类高等体育院校相继开设服装表演专业。但与专业院校对比,体育院校的服装表演专业存在师资队伍薄弱、优质生源不足、课程设置不合理等问题。本论文目的在具体分析体育院校服装表演专业存在的问题基础上提出了体育院校应当通过多渠道的方式解决服装表演专项课的师资问题,加大体育院校服装表演专业的宣传力度,吸引更多优质生源,结合体育院校的传统优势或地域优势,突出各校的专业特色,合理设置课程体系等策略来破解体育院校服装表演专业发展困境。 [资料来源:http://Doc163.com]