internet信息管理系统Internet information management system
internet信息管理系统Internet information management system(中文11000字,英文8100字)
Hekman是一个小型的图书馆,他提供370个系4200个学生读书和许多的社会团体。图书馆的大约有1700000000本书(包括电子书,政府文档等)都放在四层楼面积大约为100000平方米。Hekman雇佣17个职员日夜工作,包括8个专业的图书管理员专门用于和25个电子部门进行交流。访问所有的图书馆资源都可以通过在线目录浏览,那就是Hekman数据库图书馆(HDL)。迄今为止,1997年建立的HDL,HDL已经成为连接世界各方面信息的系统。并且图书馆的信息主要来自与这个图书馆。在2001年,我建立了HDL当今最流行的版本。 [资料来源:]
Internet information management system
Key words: Calvin and Hobbes, on-line information management system
Here at Calvin College, we created Hobbes, a hybrid of CMS and intranet that organizes Web site content and a variety of internal tools to help our libraries complete their daily tasks.
When I became digital resources and reference/ instruction librarian in 1999 at the Hekman Library at Calvin College and Calvin Theological Seminary, one of my first tasks was to redesign the library's Web site. Like many of you who maintain Web links to library resources, I quickly learned that offering access to a large number of resources from an even larger number of static Web pages can never really be described as efficient or professionally fulfilling.
In recent years, many libraries have created dynamic Web sites that are database-driven, that is, maintained and populated with content stored within what can be loosely termed a content management system (CMS). In 2001, Jed Koops, the Hekman Library systems programmer, and I created a CMS called Hobbes (library staff liked the play on the words "Calvin and Hobbes"). Since then, Hobbes has grown into a hybrid of CMS and intranet to include not only Web site content, but also a variety of internal tools used by librarians to help them complete some of their daily tasks. [来源:]