Generic HTML Form Processor:
A versatile PHP script to save Web-collected data
into a MySQL database
From: Behavior Research Methods,2005, 37 (4),ANJA S. GÖRITZ,
MICHAEL H. BIRNBAUM,Page(s):703-710
The customizable PHP script Generic HTML Form Processor is intended to assist researchers and students in quickly setting up surveys and experiments that can be administered via the Web. This script relieves researchers from the burdens of writing new CGI scripts and building databases for each Web study. Generic HTML Form Processor processes any syntactically correct HTML form input and saves it into a dynamically created open-source database. We describe five modes for usage of the script that allow increasing functionality but require increasing levels of knowledge of PHP and Web servers: The first two modes require no previous knowledge, and the fifth requires PHP programming expertise. Use of Generic HTML Form Processor is free for academic purposes, and its Web address is www.goeritz.net/brmic. [资料来源:http://doc163.com]