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摘 要
    再次,修改模型中的水流深度和水流速度两个参数得到了7×7数据,在进行计算求解。提取计算结果中的,桥墩顶面中心顺流方向的位移值和桥墩混凝土结构最大拉应力值这两个数据值,来分析桥墩的安全性。为了使数据更加直观,本文将数据制成折线图。 [来源:]
  Bridge is an important part of the road, railway and other transportation lines. In some large-scale highway construction projects, the bridge part of the funds are often accounted for a large part of the total funds. In the whole bridge construction process, the construction of the bridge pier is in a more important position. So it is very important to consider the safety of bridge pier, this paper is using the ANSYS finite element software modeling, research under the consideration of fluid solid coupling effect of bridge pier safety analysis. Specifically, the effects of different flow velocities and different flow depths on the safety of the piers are analyzed.Specific content as follows:
  Firstly, the relevant theory of the solid coupling problem is described in detail. Including the theory of fluid mechanics and solid mechanics as well as the theoretical equation. In addition, the basic equations of fluid structure interaction are also introduced. [资料来源:]
Secondly, the solid model of a small pier with 7.65 meters high is built by using ANSYS, in order to make the model more in line with the reality of the situation, and also to the model. Because of the large number of reinforcement, the use of circular flow, the reinforcement unit and concrete units were coupled.
  Again, the modified model of the water flow depth and velocity of the 7 parameters of two X 7 data, in the calculation of the solution. Extracting and calculating the pier top displacement of the center of the downstream direction value and concrete pier structure of the maximum tensile stress value the two data values, to analyze the safety of the bridge pier. In order to make the data more intuitive, this paper makes the data into a broken line.
  Finally, the characteristics of different data were analyzed, and the influence of flow depth and velocity of flow velocity on the safety of bridge piers was analyzed. The following conclusions are drawn: in the depth of the current and the speed of the water flow, the safety of the two (such as the pier top displacement) is nonlinear. The greater the water depth and the flow rate, the faster the safety of the bridge pier. [资料来源:]
Key words: fluid structure interaction; bridge pier safety; ANSYS; water flow impact force;



摘 要    I
Abstract    II
第1章 绪论    1
1.1 研究目的和意义    1
1.2 流固耦合问题的概述    2
1.2.1 流固耦合动力学问题的特点    2
1.2.2 流固耦合问题研究现状    3
1.2.3流固耦合问题的求解方法    4
1.3 本文的主要工作    5
1.4小结    6
第2章 流固耦合问题基本原理    7
2.1流体力学相关理论及方程    7
2.2固体力学的相关理论及方程    8
2.3流固耦合方程    9
2.4水压力计算    10
2.5小结    11
第3章 有限元知识及ANSYS    12


3.1有限元知识    12
3.1.1有限元分析    12
3.1.2有限元一般解题步骤    13
3.1.3有限元的基本架构    13
3.2有限元分析软件ANSYS    14
3.2.1ANSYS简要介绍    14
3.2.2ANSYS主要处理器及其功能    14
3.2.3ANSYS软件主要功能    15
3.2.4ANSYS流固耦合应用    16
3.3小结    16
第4章 桥墩-水流有限元模型建立    17
4.1流固耦合模型计算的基本假设    17
4.2建模所使用的单元类型    17
4.2.1钢筋单元——link8单元    17
4.2.2混凝土单元——solid45单元    18
4.2.3流体单元——Fluid30单元    19
4.3使用模型的设计资料    20
4.3.1桥墩的勘察设计资料    20
4.3.2桥墩混凝土尺寸    21
4.4建立模型的过程    25 [资料来源:]
4.5小结    28
第5章计算结果与分析    29
5.1计算结果    29
5.2小结    36
第6章 结论与展望    37
6.1结论    37
6.2展望    37
致谢    39
参考文献    40 [版权所有:]

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