Yi-wan railroad, located in the mountainous terrain of Karst, the world's most complex railway geological. The total length of the bridge and tunnel is about 278 kilometers, and there are 34 high risk karst tunnels.Along the line of the railroad geology is complex, many rock dissolves the district, its survey ﹑design and construction is difficulty. [来源:http://Doc163.com]
The designation is "Maoping mountain tunnel design", mainly around the Yi-wan railway line Maoping tunnel structure and construction design of. Based on the geological, hydrological, transportation, meteorological and other raw data of the tunnel proposed by the teacher, the design of the tunnel was designed.
Maoping tunnel is located in Yi Wan railway Yi Li (Yichang--Lichuan), the design speed of 160km / h, length of the tunnel 1314m and is double track conditions of newly built single tunnel reservation. Tunnel import and export position of flat terrain, the side wall. The surrounding rock has two levels of II and III, all of which are lined with composite lining.
This tunnel adopts the method of NATM, the strict control is super to owe to dig. The adoption is inside the hole method starts construction.Moreover, this design lifts to order the viewpoint to the environmental protection of the tunnel.
Keyword: Yi-wan railroad; The longdong tunnel; reply line;structure design
宜万铁路即表示宜昌到万州段的国家铁路I级干线,单线,重型。宜昌至利川(凉雾)(起点~DK345+000)设计时速160km/h,预留复线条件,局部一次性复线。利川(凉雾) (DK345+000~终点)设计时速按120km/h,单线。
2.2 工程水文地质
2.2.1 工程地质
2.2.2 水文地质
摘要 3
Abstract 4 [资料来源:www.doc163.com]
1 绪论 7
1.1目的和意义 7
1.2国内外研究现状 7
1.3课题研究内容 7
2 铁路概况及隧道工程地质说明 8
2.1沿线地形 8
2.2 工程水文地质 8
2.2.1 工程地质 8
2.2.2 水文地质 8
2.3 设计依据与技术标准 8
2.3.1设计主要依据 8
2.3.2线路主要技术标准 9
2.4茅坪隧道工程地质说明 10
2.4.1 地貌特征 10
2.4.2 工程地质 10
2.4.3 水文地质 10
2.4.4 工程地质条件 10
3 选择隧道位置及设计隧道平纵断面 11
3.1 线路设计 11
3.1.1 平面设计 11
3.1.2 纵断面设计 11
3.2 隧道洞口位置的选定 12
3.2.1 选择洞口位置的原则 12
3.2.2 确定进洞里程 12
3.2.3 确定出洞里程 13
3.3 隧道洞口设计 14
3.3.1 隧道洞口位置方案比选与确定 15
3.3.2隧道进口处 15
3.3.3 隧道出口处 16
4 茅坪隧道衬砌结构的设计与检算 18
4.1 隧道衬砌结构类型的的分类与选择 18
4.1.1 衬砌的类型的分类与选择 18
4.2 衬砌结构设计与检算 19
4.2.1 围岩压力的确定 19
4.2.2 衬砌内力的计算 20
4.3 茅坪隧道衬砌截面的强度检算 24
5 施工组织设计 27
5.1 编制的原则 27
5.2编制的依据 27
5.3茅坪隧道项目施工 28
5.3.1项目施工准备 28
5.3.2施工方法选择的原则 28
5.3.3施工方法 28
6 附属部分设计 29
6.1隧道的避车洞部分设计 29
6.2电缆槽 29
6.3轨道与道床设计 29
结论 30
致谢 30
参考文献 30