摘 要
In the complicated situation, the driving blasting of tunnel would be susceptible to a series problem such as the rock deformation, land subsidence and water seepage et al. In this paper, the design on the driving blasting was conducted corresponding to the Dapingshan tunnel located on the Gucheng Zhuxi Expressway. The different blasting project was proposed depending on the variation of surrounding rock grade and geology. This project would not only play a significant role for the practical work, but also provide valuable experience for the research of blasting mechanism.
The research in this paper was based on the complex geology situation in Dapingshan tunnel and then developed by the conduction of different driving blasting project with the variation of surrounding rock grade. In particular, the blasting method for III, IV and V grade surrounding rock were full face excavation, bench excavation and pre-spit, respectively. Furthermore, the corresponding distribution pattern and other parameter in the blasting process was simulated also. As a result, the specific project on blasting was achieved in this complex situation. The feature in this paper is that the unique blasting project was achieved to satisfy the requirement of this specific situation with complex surrounding rock structure, which would provide a powerful technique support for practical work.
Key Words: Diriving blasting of tunnel; surrounding rock; drilling blasting
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 概述 1
1.2 隧道掘进国内发展现状 1
1.2.1 爆破理论的发展 1
1.2.2 隧道爆破基本施工方法 2
1.2.3 隧道爆破发展历程 2
1.3本设计主要设计依据和工程目的 3
1.3.1 设计依据 3
1.3.2 工程要求和目的 3
1.3.3 爆破设计原则 3
1.4 主要内容安排 3
第2章 大坪山隧道概况 4
2.1工程简介 4
2.2工程自然条件 4
第3章 隧道爆破方案设计 5
3.1 Ⅴ级围岩开挖 5
3.2 Ⅳ级围岩开挖 7
3.3 Ⅲ级围岩开挖 9
3.4特殊地段开挖 12
第4章 钻爆设计 13
4.1设计原则 13
4.2 Ⅲ级围岩钻爆设计 13
4.2.1 爆破参数设计计算 14
4.2.2 爆破施工设计 17
4.3 Ⅳ级围岩钻爆设计 17
4.3.1 爆破参数设计计算 17
4.3.2 爆破施工设计 19
4.4 Ⅴ级围岩钻爆设计 19
4.4.1 爆破参数设计计算 19
4.4.2 爆破施工设计 21
第5章 爆破安全校核 22
5.1 爆破安全检测 22
5.2 爆破安全计算 22
5.3 爆破警戒布置 23
5.4 爆破安全措施 23
第6章 施工组织设计 25
6.1 施工机具人员配置 25
6.2 施工进度措施 25
6.3 质量保证措施 26
6.4 爆破安全措施 26
6.4.1 凿岩安全措施 26
6.4.2 爆破安全措施 27
6.5 爆破安全应急预案 27
6.5.1 总则 27
6.5.2 设立应急救援小组 27
6.5.2 爆破事故应急救援 27
结 论 28
致 谢 30 [来源:http://www.doc163.com]