
Explicit radial symmetry of several partial differential equations
Abstract:In this paper, we study the radial symmetric solutions of several partial differential equations in full space. This paper mainly focuses on several important nonlinear elliptic equations. For example, the infinite Laplace equation, p-Laplace equation, minimum surface equation, Monge-Ampere equation,k-admissible and k-Hessian equation. Some definitions and meanings of these equations are given, and some practical problems are solved by using these definitions and meanings. The first chapter of this article explains the extent of use radial symmetry and its implications in the academic world. The second chapter enumerates the definition of harmonic functions used in this paper, namely radial symmetry, and calculates the radial symmetry solution of a special type of p-Laplace equation. The third chapter lists the definitions of the Monge-Ampere equation, the k-admissibility, the k-Hessian equation, and the special non-linear elliptic equation. We solve some radial symmetric solutions of the Monge-Ampere equation, and the k-Hessian equation. But these are just a few examples, and radial symmetry is a more common and convenient application in actual academic research. [来源:http://www.doc163.com]
Keywords:radial symmetry solution,, harmonic function, Monge-Ampere equation, k-admissible k-Hessian equation, elliptic equations.

目 录
第一章 概述..................................................5
第二章 调和函数及p-Laplace方程
1.3 半线性椭圆方程...........................................9
1.4 本章小结................................................12
第三章 Monge-Ampere方程和k-Hessian方程......................13
2.1 Monge-Ampere方程.....................................13
2.2 k-Hessian方程..........................................15
2.3 k-容许.................................................16
3.4 本章小结...............................................20