摘 要:风味豆干是以水豆腐为主要原料,经切分后干燥再卤制包装而成。本试验对水豆腐干燥过程中温度和卤制中卤液的配置进行研究。试验结果分析表明水豆腐热风干燥的最佳干燥温度为65℃,卤液的最佳配方为卤制每500g豆干的卤液,盐12g八角5g白砂糖25g,此配方卤制出的的风味豆干感官评价良好。
关键词:水豆腐 豆干 干燥 卤制
Ready-to-use flavor beans dry processing technology research
Abstract: Flavor beans doing is water tofu as main raw materials, halogen again after drying segmentation packing. The drying process of water temperature and tofu in the configuration halogen brine. Test results indicate that the optimum water tofu drying temperature for 65 ° c, dry the best recipe for liquid halogen every 500g of dried bean, 12g salt halogen 25g sugar, 5g anise flavor of halogen formula of dry beans sensual evaluation.
Key word: Local Bean Curd; Dry-cure; Flavor; Halogen