摘 要:为了了解当前望城县农村老年人的营养情况和身体健康状况,分析他们的健康现状,指出健康意识的误区,并提出建设性的对策。在此基础上,提出相应的改进 建议,为今后的老年人饮食提供一个可供参考的方案,引导他们增强健康意识。通过望城县农村老年人的调查问卷结果显示,各村老年人健康意识淡薄,各村老年人 的健康状况也不容乐观,开展各种健康教育活动,积极地防病治病,控制诱发因素和并发症的发生,促进和维护健康,提高老年人的生活质量是今后各村卫生服务的 重要内容,而且刻不容缓。
The Nutritional And Healthy Survey Of Rural Elderly In Wangcheng County
Abstract:Wangcheng rural elderly through the questionnaire results showed a weak awareness of village health of the elderly, village health of the elderly can not be optimistic, to carry out a variety of health education activities, and actively prevent and cure diseases, control of precipitating factors and complications the occurrence of disease, to promote and maintain health, improve the quality of life of older persons is the next important part of village health services, and urgent.
Key words:Wangcheng County;The rural elderly;Nutrition;Health Status