摘 要:以兔肉为原料并配以少量的猪肥膘来制作香肠,在斩拌中加入大豆蛋白、肉蔻、五香粉及各种调料,开发新型的香肠品种,提高兔肉的利用率。通过单因素实验确定了加工兔肉香肠的最佳添加物配此是淀粉12%、食盐2.5%、白砂糖7%;通过正交试验确定了除去兔肉本身土腥味的最优添加物配比是姜粉1.2%、白酒0.8%、β─环状糊精0.04%。
The Process of Sausage Made of Rabbit Meat
Abstract: Based on rabbit meat and fat as raw material, a new kind of sausage product was developed in order to heighten additional value of rabbit meat. meat.Except rabbit meat,starch and soybean protein,net meg and parts of ice water is needed.By the single factor experiment and the orthogonal experiment,the optimal formula was determined,starch 8%,water 40%and salt 2.5%,ginger powder l.2%,Chinese liquor0.8%andβ-cyclodextrine 0.04%.
Key words: rabbit meat; sausage; orthogonal experimental method; ratio.