Homemade Wine if there is a security risk investigation
Abstract: With continuous improvement of food safety accidents frequent exposure and standard of living, do it yourself, clothing, this year a large-scale production campaign slogan is now gradually become popular fashion. More and more people began to try homemade "assured" food, from Soybean Milk to yogurt from the bread to Wine. Based on the investigation, it is found that the proposed, to provide security measures.
Key words: Homemade grape; influencing factors; safety hazard investigation; stabilit
摘要 I [来源:http://www.doc163.com]
Abstract I
一、自制葡萄酒概述 1
二、自酿葡萄酒的方法 1
三、自制葡萄酒的安全隐患与对策 2
四、自制葡萄酒是否存在安全隐患调查 4
五、结论 12
致 谢 13
参考文献 13