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摘  要
关键词:电动自行车  交通特征  问题  发展策略


Research on the Development Strategy of Urban Electric Bicycle in China
Electric bicycles have slowly entered the tens of thousands of households, as people travel essential daily transport.In recent years, electric bicycles in China's growth is very rapid, by the electric bicycle problems can not be underestimated.Therefore, this article to strengthen the research on electric bicycles, to promote the rational development of electric bicycles is of great significance.
First, through the questionnaire survey method, collect the traffic characteristics of electric bicycles, to understand the characteristics of electric bicycle users、Travel characteristics、The user's willingness to travel and the impact on other modes of transportation.
Secondly, according to the traffic characteristics and the "electric bicycle general technical conditions" analysis of electric bicycle problems, the problem of the vehicle itself, the user's problems and traffic planning management problems.By analyzing these issues, to understand the causes of these problems and the resulting hazards of electric bicycles.

Finally, the specific problems and development strategies for the problems of electric bicycles are put forward, and these strategies are summarized as policy regulations and management measures.Which has laws and regulations in the implementation of license management system, the development of waste battery recycling regulations, the implementation of quasi-driving and insurance system.In the management measures, including standard production and sales links, to solve the stock exceeding the standard car, the implementation of strict speed limit management to protect the driving conditions of non-motorized lanes, penalties for violations and guide electric bicycles to public transport and bicycle transfer.
Key words: Electric Bicycle; Traffic Characteristics; Problem; Development Strategy
目  录
摘要    I
第一章 绪论    1
1.1研究的背景及意义    1
1.1.1研究背景    1


1.1.2研究意义    1
1.2国内外已有研究综述    1
1.2.1国内研究情况    1
1.2.2国外研究情况    2
1.2.3文献综述    3
1.3研究目标及内容    3
1.3.1论文的研究目标    3
1.3.2论文的研究内容    3
1.4技术路线及结构安排    4
1.4.1论文的结构安排    4
1.4.2论文的技术路线    5
第二章 电动自行车的交通特征研究    7
2.1电动自行车使用者特征    7
2.1.1使用者年龄层特征    7
2.1.2使用者职业特征    7
2.1.3使用者收入水平特征    8
2.1.4使用者受教育程度特征    9
2.2电动自行车出行特征    10
2.2.1电动自行车的出行目的    10
2.2.2电动自行车的出行时间    11
2.2.3电动自行车的出行距离    12


2.3电动自行车使用者的出行意愿    13
2.3.1使用者选择的原因    13
2.3.2出行方式转移分析    14
2.4电动自行车对其他交通方式的影响    15
2.4.1电动自行车对公交车的影响    15
2.4.2电动自行车对自行车的影响    15
2.5 本章小结    16
第三章 电动自行车的现状问题分析    17
3.1电动自行车车辆存在的问题    17
3.1.1电动自行车质量问题    17
3.1.2车辆超标问题    18
3.1.3废旧电池污染问题    18
3.2电动自行车使用者存在的问题    18
3.2.1安全意识缺乏、驾驶技术不过关    19
3.2.2违章进入机动车道    20
3.2.3非法载人载物    21
3.2.4超速行驶    21
3.3电动自行车交通规划管理存在的问题    21
3.3.1非机动车道规划不合理    21
3.3.2电动自行车牌照管理问题    22 [来源:]
3.3.3道路执法管理问题    23
3.4本章小结    23
第四章 电动自行车发展策略    25
4.1政策法规方面    25
4.1.1实行电动自行车牌证管理制度    25
4.1.2制定废旧电池回收条例    26
4.1.3实行电动自行车准驾制度    28
4.1.4实行电动自行车保险制度    29
4.2管理措施方面    30
4.2.1规范电动自行车生产销售环节    30
4.2.2解决存量的超标车    31
4.2.3实行严格的限速管理    32
4.2.4对违章驾驶行为进行处罚    33
4.2.5引导电动自行车向其他交通方式转移    33
4.3本章小结    34
第五章 总结与展望    35
5.1论文总结    35
5.2不足与展望    35
参考文献    37
附录    39
致谢    41

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