摘 要
在上述背景下,公共交通被认为是未来交通的主要形式,其中城市轨道交通又是公共交通系统的骨架。随着城市轨道交通技术的不断进步和发展,出现了许多新的城市轨道交通形式,而地铁作为城市快速轨道交通的先驱更具备一定的研究价值。对比其他城市道路交通其不可比拟优势在于(1)速度快,承载的客流量大,在客流密集的城市中心地带可以明显疏散公交客流。(2)地铁线路有自己的专用线路,不受气候及其他交通工具的干扰,具有可信赖的准时性与速达性。(3)噪声小,污染少(4)充分利用地下空间,节约用地。虽然地铁的优点数不胜数,但是其存在的问题也是相当突出的。本文将通过调查法、文献研究等方法,系统的分析地下轨道交通的现状。通过对现状的分析,总结出当今地下轨道交通存在的问题,如造价高昂、路网结构不易调整、对城市环境的影响等一系列问题,进行评价并提出可行性解决方案,再通过对上海地铁1号线的客流量预测,探索客流预测的方法,为规划城市轨道交通埋下伏笔。 [资料来源:http://www.doc163.com]
关键词:可持续发展 环境影响 城市发展 客流预测
Current Situation and Prospect of the underground rail transit
With the development of city economy, traffic jam and environmental pollution become the core issue of people more and more attention.In developing countries, per capita resource shortage, the existing traffic scale has been unable to meet the people's growing traffic demand, so to explore a sustainable transportation strategy is particularly important
As a developing country, China's per capita resources are scarce, the total traffic demand, to explore a meet China's economic construction and living needs of sustainable transport solutions has important strategic significance.
In the above context, public transport is considered to be the main form of transportation in the future, urban rail transit is the skeleton of the public transport system.
As technology continues to progress and development of urban rail transit, there has been many new form of urban rail transit, and a pioneer in the subway as urban rapid rail transit have a certain value. [来源:http://Doc163.com]
Contrast to other urban road traffic its incomparable advantage (1) fast speed, carrying traffic, in dense urban passenger heart can significantly evacuation bus passenger. (2) subway line has its own dedicated line, not climate, and the interference of other modes of transport with reliable punctuality and speed up. (3) low noise, less pollution (4) make full use of underground space, land conservation. Although beyond count advantages of subway, but the problem is quite prominent. This paper will through the methods of investigation, literature research, system analysis of the current situation of underground rail traffic. Through the analysis of the current situation, summed up the underground rail transportation problems, a series of problems such as high cost, the network structure is not easy to adjust, impact on the city environment, evaluate and propose practical solutions and Through traffic of Shanghai Metro Line 1 prediction,to explore the method of passenger flow prediction As the basis of planning and city track traffic
Key Words: sustainable development environment affect urban development passenger flow predictio
目 录
摘 要 I
Abstract II
第一章 引言 1
1.1选题背景 1
1.2 研究目的、意义 1
1.3研究的基本内容和拟解决的主要问题 2
第二章 文献综述-国内外研究状况 3
2.1国外地铁的发展现状与前景 3
2.2国内地铁的发展现状与前景 3
第三章 城市轨道交通对城市发展和环境影响 5
3.1影响概述 5
3.2对城市发展的影响 5
3.2.1沿线土地利用 5
3.2.2沿线房地产价值 6
3.2.3 城市人口分布 6
3.3对城市环境的影响 7
3.3.1振动 7
3.3.2噪声 8
3.3.3城市空气质量 9
3.3.4城市景观 10
3.4 城市轨道交通对城市发展和城市环境综合影响评价方法 10
第四章 城市轨道交通管理政策分析 13
4.1现行国家有关法规制定情况 13
4.2国家部委发布的指导性意见 14
4.3地方有关法规制定情况 14
4.4国外可借鉴意见 15
第五章 城市轨道交通规划 17
5.1轨道交通客流预测 17
5.1.1客流预测的意义和目的 17
5.1.2客流预测模式和方法 17
5.1.3四阶段交通需求预测 18
5.1.4上海地铁1号线的客流量预测实例 18
第六章 城市轨道交通可持续发展研究 26
6.1概述 26
6.2可持续发展定义 26
6.3城市轨道交通建设安全分析 27 [资料来源:http://Doc163.com]
6.3.1城市轨道交通总体安全形式 27
6.3.2城市轨道交通安全管理的问题及建议 28
6.4城市轨道交通可持续发展战略 31
6.4.1加强政府监督 31
6.4.2 推进投资模式创新 32
6.4.3 实行全寿命周期综合造价控制 33
6.5可持续发展特色工程示例 34
第七章 结论与展望 36
7.1 结论 36
7.2展望 36
参考文献 38
致 谢 39 [资料来源:https://www.doc163.com]