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关键词:轨道交通;延时运营;综合效益; [来源:]
With the continuous rapid growth of urban motor vehicle ownership, urban transportation has become one of the main factors that hinder the development of cities.Rail transit, with its numerous comparative advantages, meet the requirements of sustainable urban development. As the passenger transport vehicle with the largest volume of urban public transport, its operating rules will change with the travel requirements of citizens. With the acceleration of urban development, urban rail transit operation time demand will also increase. By properly extending the operation time of rail transit, it can not only cover the travel demand of some citizens at night, but also reduce individual motorized travel and bring considerable comprehensive benefits to the urban transportation system.
Firstly, the article has been analyzed the benefit composition of urban rail transit and the interrelation among the benefits. Based on these basic concepts, the generalized function utility method is selected to evaluate the comprehensive benefits of rail transit in prolonging operation time. This article has been established the evaluation index system of rail transit delay operation and designed the evaluation index from three aspects of economy, traffic and environment. A comprehensive benefit evaluation model of rail transit delay operation based on passenger arrival rate function of single rail transit station has been established. Secondly in the aspect of case analysis, the article has been designed the different urban rail transit delay operation scheme, then chosen Wuhan Metro line 2 site as an example according to the established evaluation index system, evaluation model and research and data collection. Finally, the comprehensive benefits of rail transit delay operation have been calculated and the result of comprehensive benefit value has been analyzed. [版权所有:]
Key Words:rail transit; delayed operation; comprehensive benefits;
第1章绪论    6
1.1研究背景    6
1.2 研究意义    6
1.3国内外研究现状    7
1.3.1运营时间制约因素    7
1.3.2轨道交通系统综合效益分析    7
1.3.3运营效益评估指标体系    8
1.3.4运营效益评估模型    8
1.3.5轨道交通客流预测    8
1.3.6国内外研究现状综述    8
1.4研究方法及技术路线    9
1.4.1研究方法    9
1.4.2技术路线    9
1.5 研究内容    10
第2章轨道交通延时运营的效益评价    11
2.1轨道交通系统的效益构成    11
2.1.1交通效益    11
2.1.2经济效益    13
2.1.3环境效益    13
2.1.4各效益之间的联系    14
2.2 延时运营综合效益评价方法    14


2.3延时运营效益评价指标体系的设计原则    15
2.4 本章小结    15
第3章评价模型设计    16
3.1延时运营的站点客流量计算    16
3.1.1站点乘客到达率散点图    16
3.1.2站点乘客到达率曲线图    17
3.1.3轨道交通延时运营时间段的站点客流量计算    17
3.2评价指标的选定及取值设计    17
3.2.1站点运营管理效益C11    18
3.2.2列车运行成本C12    19
3.2.3票价收入效益C13    19
3.2.4运力替代效益C21    19
3.2.5节能效益C31    20
3.2.6 减排效益C32    20
3.2.7轨道交通线路的综合效益    21
3.3延时运营评价指标无量纲化    21
3.4确定评价指标的权重系数    21
3.5评价结果分析    22
3.6 本章小结    22
第4章案例分析    23 [来源:]
4.1武汉市轨道交通2号线建设与运营概述    23
4.1.1建设历史    23
4.1.2运营概述    23
4.2轨道交通延时运营方案设计    25
4.2.1方案设计思路    25
4.2.2 方案设计    25
4.3 延时运营效益评价指标取值计算    26
4.3.1 站点运营管理效益C11    27
4.3.2列车运行成本C12    29
4.3.3票价收入效益C13    30
4.3.4运力替代效益C21    31
4.3.5节能效益C31    32
4.3.6减排效益C32    33
4.4延时运营指标无量纲化计算    34
4.5延时运营指标权重计算    35
4.6不同设计方案的站点综合效益评价    35
4.6.1评价结果计算    35
4.6.2评价结果分析    36
4.7本章小结    37
第5章结论和展望    38
5.1结论    38 [资料来源:]
5.2 不足与展望    38
参考文献    39
致谢    40 [资料来源:]

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