Public transport is the context of urban transport, is an important part of the healthy development of the city. However, with the expansion of the city scale, the uneven distribution of urban residents' travel time is gradually reflected. The operating efficiency of the traditional public transport system is affected, and the situation of bus no-load and congestion is the same.
The research of this paper makes use of the realism, economy and extensibility of Internet information transmission. Under the assumption that the Internet penetration rate reaches a certain level, a non-fixed line bus operation mode is proposed, which can make the passenger demand information and the operation information of the bus vehicle effective and timely transfer between the passenger and the bus The So that the bus scheduling system can be based on the needs of passengers and the operation of the vehicle online, real-time scheduling of public transport vehicles to indicate the bus station to jump, change the path and other actions to achieve the lowest cost of passenger travel to improve the bus system operation The purpose of efficiency.
Key Words:Non-fixed line;Skip the station;Travel time cost;the Internet
第一章:绪论 1
1.1研究背景 1
1.2研究目的及意义 1
1.3主要研究内容 2
1.4技术路线 2
1.5进度安排 4
第二章 非固定线路公交发展现状及概念 5
2.1国外研究现状 5
2.2国内研究现状 6
2.3非固定线路公交的概念 6
2.4相关概念 7
2.5互联网与智能公共交通 7
2.5.1互联网发展现状 7
2.5.2互联网的优势 9
2.5.3智能公交系统 10
2.6前提假设 11
第三章 非固定线路公交的规划设计与运行规则 12
3.1规划设计 12
3.2运行机理 13
第四章 非固定线路公交系统模型研究 15
4.1乘客到达站点分布模型 15
4.2公交车辆跳站模型 15
4.2.1公交车辆过站时间 17
4.2.2乘客等车时间 18
4.2.3乘客比例 19
4.3最短路径算法模型 20
第五章 实例分析 21
5.1基础资料 21
5.2现状调查与假设 23
5.3运算结论 24
第六章 结论 27
6.1 总结 27
6.2 不足与展望 27
参考文献 28
致谢 29