Service brand refers to a special brand form that meets the psychological needs of consumers through the service process of goods or services in economic activities. It is a personalized service experience that consumers feel during the service process; It is a competitive strategy adopted by enterprises to highlight their image in the fierce competition, maintain their competitive position, create competitive advantage, and make full use of intangible assets. This paper investigates the status quo of Wuhan rail transit service brand, builds the rail transit service brand model based on the research of domestic and international service brand related models, and selects the rail transit service brand factor indicators to query the status of Wuhan rail transit service brand. survey. The SPSS software was used to test the reliability and validity of the survey results, and then the structural equation model was established and AMOS software was used to determine the causal relationship and influence weight of the Wuhan rail transit service brand. It is found that passenger perception has the greatest influence on the Wuhan rail transit service brand, and at the same time, it finds that the service concept implementation indicator guarantees all other impact indicators. Using the importance performance analysis IPA method to discover the implementation of the service concept and the health environment is the place where the Wuhan rail transit service brand needs priority improvement. [来源:http://Doc163.com]
Key words:rail transit; service brand;structural equation model;importance performance analysis
第一章 绪论 1
1.1研究背景 1
1.2国内外研究现状 1
1.2.1服务品牌定义 1
1.2.2服务品牌创建路径 2
1.2.3服务品牌模型 2
1.2.4服务品牌与顾客满意 3
1.3研究内容 4
1.4技术方案 4
第二章 轨道交通服务品牌综述 6
2.1轨道交通服务品牌内涵及作用 6
2.2轨道交通服务品牌影响因素 6
2.2.1品牌识别与品牌传播 6
2.2.2品牌行为与乘客感知 7
2.2.3品牌内化 7
2.3强势轨道交通服务品牌的创建路径 8
2.4轨道交通服务品牌多维度表格 8
第三章 武汉市轨道交通服务品牌调查分析 10
3.1武汉市轨道交通服务品牌简述 10 [资料来源:http://doc163.com]
3.2武汉市轨道交通服务品牌调查实施 10
3.2.1问卷调查制定原则 10
3.2.2调查指标的确定 10
3.2.3抽样方法的确定 11
3.2.4抽样规模的确定 11
3.2.5调查实施 12
3.3问卷结果可靠性分析 12
3.3.1问卷信度分析 12
3.3.2问卷效度分析 13
3.4问卷结果统计分析 15
3.4.1基本信息统计 15
3.4.2服务品牌调查各指标统计分析 17
3.4.3服务品牌指标单因素分析 18
3.4.4服务品牌指标均值分析 19
3.4.5需改进地方统计 21
3.5武汉市服务品牌影响因素重要性分析 21
3.6服务品牌指数计算 24
3.6.1武汉市轨道交通服务品牌指数 24
3.6.2北京与上海服务品牌指数 25
第四章 武汉市轨道交通服务品牌改善措施与建议 26
第五章 结论与展望 28
5.1研究结论 28
5.2研究不足与展望 28
参考文献 29
附录 31 [来源:http://Doc163.com]