
【关键词】井漏 堵漏 技术
Well loss is complicated conditions common in well drilling engineering, the majority of the drilling process has a different degree of leakage. Serious leak will result in borehole pressure drop, affect the normal drilling, wellbore instability induced by the formation fluid into the wellbore, and blowout.
Often the cause of leakage is fluid column pressure in the wellbore is higher than the formation pressure; pore, good permeability, existent cave, fissure.
Drilling inappropriate measures will lead to leakage, such as a pump too much, the drilling speed too fast causing pressure excited pressure leakage formation. Treatment of leakage:
1 pairs of downhole pressure system and the formation of complex well only by plugging method;
2 for the downhole pressure system, large structural strength formation of single well can be used to reduce the density of drilling fluid approach.
In the drilling field generally deal with well leakage should be based on prevention, as far as possible to avoid man-made error and wells. In the drilling construction, to minimize the formation pressure data collection is complete, in the drilling process, which can prevent leakage of work should try to do.
[Key Words] Well leakage plugging technology
ABSTRACT I [资料来源:http://doc163.com]
第1章 井漏的危害 1
1.1什么是井漏 1
1.2井漏造成的后果 1
1.3漏失种类和处理办法 2
第2章井漏的预防 4
2.1 选用合理的钻井液密度与类型,实现近平衡钻井 4
2.2 降低钻井液环空压耗和激动压力 4
2.3 提高地层承压能力 4
第3章 井漏的处理 6
3.1 处理井漏的规程 6
3.2 处理井漏常用方法 6
3.2.1调整钻井液性能与钻井措施 6
3.2.2静止堵漏 7
3.2.3桥接材料堵漏法 8
3.2.4柴油膨润土浆堵漏法 9
3.2.5水泥堵漏 10
3.2.6强行钻进套管封隔漏层 11
3.3 复合堵漏剂 11
3.3.1随钻堵漏快 12
3.3.2静堵见效快 12
3.3.3推广价值高 13
参考文献 14 [资料来源:www.doc163.com]