摘 要
Design of automatic installation line
The biggest characteristic of automatic production line is a comprehensive and its system, comprehensive mainly relates to the mechanical technology, microelectronics technology, electrical and electronic technology, sensor technology, interface technology, information transformation technology, network communication technology and other technology organically, and applied to production equipment and systems; that is production line of sensing, processing and transmission, control, execution and driving mechanism in the control of the micro processing unit of work coordinately, organically fuses in together. The system completed the demolition, sorting a work piece, the production process simulation of a production line. First by the feeding station to provide raw materials, transport station will be sent to the processing station for processing, and then sent to the assembly station for installation, and finally by the sorting station sorting. [资料来源:http://www.doc163.com]
Design work to feed, processing, assembling, transporting, sorting unit as the overall design of automatic production line, forming a mechanical platform is a typical automatic production line, the mechanism of the system adopts pneumatic drive, inverter drive and stepper (servo) motor position control technology. Control system adopts each work unit is composed of a PLC for the control task, the PLC through the RS485 serial communication to achieve the interconnection of distributed control mode. So, the design of integrated application of a variety of technical knowledge, such as pneumatic control technology, mechanical technology (mechanical transmission, mechanical connections), sensor technology, PLC control and networking, stepping motor position control and inverter technology.
Key Words : transducer ;PLC ;motor
目 录
摘要 i
Abstract ii
1 引言 1
2 YL-335B自动生产线 3
2.1 YL-335B的基本组成 3
2.2 YL-335B的基本功能 4
2.3 YL-335B的控制系统 8
3 供料单元控制系统 10
3.1 供料单元的PLC控制系统 10
3.1.1 工作任务 10
3.1.2 PLC的I/O分配及系统安装接线 10
3.1.3 供料单元单站控制的编程思路 12
4 加工单元控制系统 15
4.1 加工单元PLC控制系统设计 15
4.1.1 工作任务 15
4.1.2 PLC的I/O分配及系统安装接线 15
4.2 编写和调试PLC控制程序 17
4.2.1 编写程序的思路 17
5 装配单元控制系统 18
5.1 装配单元PLC控制系统设计 18
5.1.1 工作任务 18
5.1.2 PLC的I/O分配及系统安装接线 18
5.2 编写和调试PLC程序 20
5.2.1 编写程序的思路 20
6 分拣单元控制系统 24
6.1 分拣单元的PLC控制及编程 24
6.1.1 工作任务 24
6.1.2 PLC的I/O分配及系统安装接线 24
6.2 程序结构 26
7 输送单元控制系统 28
7.1 使用位控向导编程步骤 28
7.1.1 使用位控向导生成的项目组件 32
7.2 输送单元的PLC控制与编程 35
7.2.1 工作任务 35
7.2.2 PLC的I/O分配及系统安装接线 37
7.3 编写和调试PLC控制程序 39
7.3.1 主程序编写的思路 39 [资料来源:http://doc163.com]
7.3.2 初态检查复位子程序和回原点子程序 40
7.3.3 急停处理子程序 41
7.3.4 传送功能测试子程序的结构 42
8 用组态王控制供料单元的运行 45
8.1 建立应用工程的一般过程 45
8.2 供料单元组态建立过程 45
9 YL-335B的整体控制 54
9.1 自动生产线的工作目标是: 54
9.2 程序编制及调试 54
9.2.1 单站运行模式测试 55
9.2.2 系统正常的全线运行模式测试 57
9.2.3 异常工作状态测试 59
附录 61
参考文献 126
外文文献 127
中文翻译 132
致谢 136