
摘 要
最后,利用NS2对基于分组填充Mix机制和基于P2P网络的Mix网络通信进行了模拟。 [资料来源:https://www.doc163.com]
关键词:P2P;NS2;Mix;匿名通信;分组填充 [资料来源:Doc163.com]
Research of the anonymous communications algorithm in P2P network
With the rapid progress of information technologies, computer networks have been widely used in communications among individuals, parties and governments. Concerns on security of network and privacy of communication have been grown. Anonymity needed by many applications on Internet, A research focus which become present of research of anonymous communication. We study the problems of partially connected network traffic camouflage, rerouting path selection in anonymity systems and scalar anonymity.
The rerouting path selection is a most popular technology for P2P anonymous communication. It is usually implemented in the Mix mechanism and Onion Routing Protocol. The Mix mechanism has provided a feasible solution for the realization of anonymous communication, but to a certain degree, the attackers can still obtain the correspondence relations through traffic analysis. In order to further improve the ability of Mix mechanism to resist the traffic analysis of message volume, a kind of scheme named group padding is proposed, and based on which, a novel anonymous correspondence mechanism is designed additionally. Compared with the traditional Mix mechanism, the newly proposed Mix mechanism based on group padding scheme can resist traffic analysis of message volume effectively, and needs lower extra bandwidth simultaneously.
Finally, utilize NS2 platform to simulate and analysis about a grouped padding Mix mechanism and the Mix network communication based on P2P. [版权所有:http://DOC163.com]
Key words: P2P;NS2;Mix; anonymous communication;group padding
本次毕业设计的另一个重点是使用network simulator version2.29(ns2)对本论文中的匿名通信进行了模拟,ns2是一个强大的网络模拟软件,掌握它的原理和使用方法对以后进行网络方面的学习和研究有很大的帮助,但是学习ns2本身一件工作量比较大的学习过程,经过了近两个月的学习与研究,已对ns2的整个运行原理有了一定的了解,能够添加新的代理协议和包头结构,初步掌握了ns2的基本使用方法。 [资料来源:http://www.doc163.com]

目 录 18000字
目 录 III [版权所有:http://DOC163.com]
1 绪 论 1
1.1 课题研究背景与意义 1
1.1 国内外研究现状 2
1.1.1P2P系统中的匿名性 3
1.1.2基于P2P的匿名通信机制 4
1.2 论文结构和研究内容 6
1.3 本章小结 6
2 P2P中的一种基于分组填充MIX策略的匿名通信机制 7
2.1 引 言 7
2.2 信息量分析攻击 8
2.3 基于分组填充MIX策略的匿名通信机制 8
2.4 本章小结 9
3 NS2平台简介 10
3.1 NS的简介 10
3.2 NS原理 11
3.2.1丰富的构件库 12
3.2.2离散时间模拟器 11
3.2.3分裂对象模型 12
3.2.4开放的源代码 13
3.3 NS的一般过程 13
3.4 本章小结 14
4 模拟与分析 15
4.1 基于分组填充MIX节点模拟 15
4.1.1MIX基本模型 15
4.1.2模拟过程及结果 15
4.1.3模拟总结 22
4.2 基于P2P的MIX网络通信模拟 22
4.2.1基于P2P的MIX网络模型 22
4.2.2模拟过程及结果 23
4.2.3模拟总结 27
4.3 本章小结 27
结 论 28
致 谢 29
参考文献 30
附录B:部分模拟代码 36
附录C:模拟程序环境搭建说明 44
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