
关键词: IPv6;隧道技术;双协议栈
The Design of Next Generation Campus Network Based on IPv6
With the rapid growth of computer networking technology, the TCP/IP protocol which suite as Internet foundation stone is preceding an unprecedented change than ever before. The wedge that leads this transform is a number of deficiencies when IPv4 protocol faces up to the requirement of Internet development. In order to cope with this issue, people think to replace IPv4 by IPv6. Since IPv6 protocol has many new merits such as the great capacity for address, group broadcast, neighbor detect, automatic scheme as so on. Nevertheless, a question comes up that How to carry out smooth transition from IPv4 to IPv6 along with How to organize the IPv6 at the existing IPv4 network base, which these papers is going to cover over.
First of all, in this paper, the author collects and analyzes the latest domestic-overseas information about the transition from IPv4 to IPv6,and studies IPv6's new merits. Then the author depicts the modules, traits as well as routed and routing protocols based on IPv6.whereafer, through the analysis in customary campus network structure, We are going to provide the network upgrade scheme, the method of deploying the coexisting policy connected IPv4/IPv6 in the process of transition, and the introduction about access connection of IPv6 tunnel techniques. With the IPv6 simulator’s experimental platform, in the purpose of revealing the IPv6 merits, based on DR existing IPv4 campus network, the implementations and authentications are evolved into the development of IPv6 layout and construction. [版权所有:http://DOC163.com]
Key words:IPv6;Tunnel Technology;Dual Stack

目 录 18000字
论文总页数: 34页
1 引言 1
1.1 选题的意义 1
1.2 所做的工作 1
2 IPV6协议分析 2
2.1 IPV6协议 2
2.1.1 IPv6地址书写表示 2
2.1.2 单播 组播 任意播 2
2.1.3 ICMPv6数据报 3
2.1.4 邻居发现协议 4
3 IPV4/IPV6的过渡策略及技术 5
3.1 过渡策略 5
3.2 双协议栈 7
3.3 隧道 7
4 建设原则及原有网络分析 7
4.1 建设原则 7
4.2 描述DR大学原有校园网 7
4.3 原有网络问题分析 8
5 升级工程方案 10 [资料来源:Doc163.com]
5.1 需求分析 10
5.2 IPV4/IPV6工程升级的方向 10
5.3 三步部署IPV6校园网方案 10
5.3.1 通过隧道方式接入IPv6 Cernet2 13
5.3.2 网络管理 15
5.3.3 学生公寓的流量工程设计 16
5.4交换机基础性能需求计算及连接方式 16
5.5设备配置 18
6 为下一代校园网分配IP地址 20
6.1 IP地址需求 20
6.2 DR大学IPV6地址规划 20
6.2.1 基于地域的规划 21
6.2.2 基于业务应用的规划 21
6.2.3 结合应用业务规划的方式 21
7 实验平台的构建与实现 23
7.1 组网手段与分析方法 23 [资料来源:www.doc163.com]
7.1.1 关于Dynamips网络设备仿真软件 23
7.1.2 实验平台前期准备 24
7.1.3 登陆到实验设备,实现与仿真软件通信 25
7.2 IPV6 OVER IPV4 手工隧道实验 25
7.3 OSPFV3实验 28
8 预算 30
结 论 32
参考文献 32
致 谢 32
声 明 33