
摘 要:第一台电子计算机在 1946年 2月14日问世以来,随着计算机的高速发展,世界也随着计算机的发展而日新月异。计算机改变了世界的生活态度,改变了人们的生活习惯,也改变人们对未来的设想。计算机无论在军事、医学、工作、生活都 占着重要的地位,计算机的发展也影响着军事、医学、工作和生活。计算机是高科技的产物,特别属于电器方面,他有一个特点就是最容易出问题的科技产。电脑组装与维修的技术在电脑方面占着重要地位,是不可忽略的一部分。我们不仅要学会对电脑的使用,更重要的是当电脑出现问题时会及时修理还有平时的维护,这次的论文就是让我们动起手来,了解电脑的基本组成和一些性能,真正掌握这最基础也是最基本的电脑知识!在以后运用电脑时能熟练的操作!
Abstract:The first computer in February 14, 1946 has come out, with the rapid development of computer and the world with the rapid development of the computer. Computer World has changed the attitude towards life has changed people's living habits, and change people's vision for the future. Computer in the military, medical, work and life have occupied animportant position, the computer also affect the development of military, medical, work and life. High-tech computer products, electrical appliances belonging to the particular, he has a characteristic that is most vulnerable to problems of production technology. Computer assembly and maintenance of computer technology in the area occupied an important position can not be ignored. Not only do we have to learn to use computers and, more importantly, when computer problems arise when there are repairs in a timely manner to maintain the peace, the paper is to move our hands to understand the basic components of computer and a number of properties, real This is the most basic grasp the most basic computer knowledge! The use of computers in the future when skilled operation! [来源:http://Doc163.com]
In modern society, computer equipment is currently use more and more a kind of office equipment. But in its use and operation of the process, the possible because some factors unavoidable appear some condition, as computer hardware equipment management personnel, it needs to quickly and accurately remove obstacles. Therefore, mainly from the computer hardware problems started, focuses on the instructions of the computer hardware is analyzed and corresponding maintenance down methods and techniques, etc.
Key word:Computer hardware; Failure Analysis;maintenance methods.
目 录
摘 要 1
前 言 2
1.电脑硬件的结构及部分功能 3
1.1 主板 3
1.2 内存 4
1.3 硬盘 4
1.4 其他硬件 5
2.主板接口维修基本知识 7
2.1主板上各类接口的结构 7
2.1.1 USB接口 7
2.1.2 PS/2接口 9
2.1.3 PCI接口 10
2.1.4硬盘接口 11
2.2主板维修常用工具及使用方法 11
2.2.1电烙铁的作用及使用方法 11
2.2.2热风枪的作用及使用方法 12
2.2.3万用表的作用及使用方法 13
2.2.4 其他辅助工具 13
2.3常见的主板接口电路故障 14
2.3.1键盘及鼠标接口常见故障 14
2.3.2打印机接口常见故障 14
2.3.3主板插槽和接口常见故障 15
2.3.4 USB接口常见故障 15
3.主板各类接口电路故障检测与维修 16
3.1主板接口故障的检测 16
3.1.1 USB接口出现故障检测 16
3.1.2 PS/2接口出现故障 17
3.1.3打印口出现故障 18
3.1.4 鼠标,键盘工作不稳定 18
3.2 电脑主板内部的接口维修实例 19 [资料来源:https://www.doc163.com]
3.2.1 USB端口无法使用时维修实例 19
3.2.2 CPU风扇接口损坏维修实例 21
致 谢 24
参 考 文 献 25