
摘 要:高校图书馆作为高校师生的一个重要知识库,馆内藏书所涉及的领域非常广泛;图书馆每年购入新书,因此图书馆藏书量也在不断增多。师生们要在众多的书籍中找到自己需要的相关图书是一件非常困难的事情。因此,快速有效的优化藏书布局对师生的学习与研究显得尤为重要。本课题的目标就是运用数据挖掘中的关联规则方法,从读者的历史借阅数据中快速有效地挖掘出借阅书籍之间的关联信息,来帮助管理员优化藏书布局。
关键词:数据挖掘;关联规则;最大频繁项目集; Apriori
Application of Association Rules Mining in Digital Library
Abstract:As an important knowledge base for teacher and students, university libraries cover a very wide field of books. Books are bought annually, so the number of books increases constantly. It is not pleasant for teacher and students to find books relevant to their own needs, so optimizing the layout of books quickly and effectively becomes more and more important for teacher and students. The dissertation is to mine the association information among the borrowed books from the history data quickly and effectively with association rules methods data mining.
Due to the data of borrowed books is updated daily, the database becomes bigger continuously, and as the need of association degree is different, the minimal support is changed sometimes. In order to meet the need of teachers and students to borrow books as convenient as possible, it is necessary to update the mined results constantly. So the MFIA-IU algorithm is proposed to mine comprehensive updated maximum frequent sets when the database and the minimal support change simultaneously. thereby, the annually repeated mining of the old data is avoided.
Key words:Data mining; Association rule; Maximum frequent sets; Apriori

目 录
摘 要 1
关键词 1
1 前言 2
2 数据挖掘概述 2
3 关联规则 3
3.1 关联规则基本理论 3
3.2 关联规则中的基本概念 3
3.2.1 项与项集 3
3.2.2 事务 3
3.2.3 项集的频率 4
3.2.4 关联规则 4
3.2.5 项集的支持度和置信度 4 [资料来源:http://doc163.com]
3.2.6 最小支持度与最小置信度 4
3.2.7 频繁项目集 4
3.2.8 相关分析 4
3.2.9 强规则 5
3.3 关联规则挖掘的常用算法 5
3.3.1 Apriori算法 5
3.4 Apriori算法的C语言实现 7
3.5 关联规则挖掘在国内外的应用 10
4 关联规则挖掘在图书馆的应用 11
4.1 数据选取 12
4.2 图书馆借阅数据的预处理 13
4.3 关联规则挖掘的过程 15
4.4 关联规则挖掘结果 17
5 结论 17
参考文献 17
致 谢 19 [来源:http://www.doc163.com]