
关键词:MATLAB 数字图像处理 图像增强 去噪
Image enhancement technology based on MATLAB
Abstract: Digital images are mainly composed of a limited number of elements, each of which has its own position and value. In the research process of digital image processing, the most important thing is to use a computer for image processing. Digital image processing is a technique that is based on a computer and uses related algorithms to complete the processing of images. At present, image processing is adopted by many industries. With the progress of computational tools, various numerical calculation softwares emerge one after another. MATLAB software is one of the best. The software has a simple interface, fast programming, and contains functions and toolboxes with very useful functions. For mathematical modeling and science and technology , practicality is particularly strong, can be a good response to a variety of numerical analysis problems. [资料来源:https://www.doc163.com]
Key Words: MATLAB digital image processing image enhancement noise removal
目 录
摘要 I
Abstract II
第一章、绪论 1
1.1课题研究的目的及意义 1
1.2国内外的研究现状 1
第二章、数字图像概述 2
2.1基本概念 2
2.2基本特点 2
2.3主要应用领域 3
2.4主要研究内容 3
第三章、MATLAB概述 4
3.1MATLAB产生的背景 4
3.2MATLAB的语言特点 4
3.3 MATLAB在图像处理中的运用 5
第四章、图像增强 5
4.1空域变化增强 6
4.1.1灰度变化 6
4.1.2图像求反 7
4.2空间域滤波增强 9
4.2.1线性平滑滤波器 9
4.2.2非线性平滑滤波器 11
4.2.3锐化滤波器 12
4.3频域增强 14
4.3.1低通滤波 14
4.3.2高通滤波 15
第五章、二值形态分析 16
5.1 膨胀 17
5.2腐蚀 18
5.3噪声去除 19
第六章、 总结与期望 21
参考文献 22
致谢 23 [资料来源:https://www.doc163.com]