
关键字:电子商务 个性化推荐 协同过滤
Application and research of collaborative filtering algorithm in e-commerce personalized recommendation system
Abstract:In the process of the rapid development and continuous improvement of network communication technology, the new way of trade is born and gradually matured. Electronic commerce is gradually integrated into people's daily life in the rapid development. In the face of the complex product information in the network, it is difficult for users to choose the goods they need. The emergence of e-commerce personalized recommendation system is a good solution to this problem. This paper mainly studies the traditional collaborative filtering algorithm in the personalized recommendation system. Based on the analysis of the principle of collaborative filtering, it puts forward some solutions to the problems of cold start, data sparsity and scalability in the collaborative filtering algorithm. An improved algorithm for personalized recommendation system in e-commerce. [资料来源:https://www.doc163.com]
Keywords: e-commerce personalized recommendation collaborative filtering
目 录
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 研究背景和意义 1
1.2国内外研究现状 2
1.2.1电子商务个性化推荐系统国内外研究现状 2
1.2.2协同过滤算法国内外研究现状 3
1.3研究内容和论文结构 3
第2章 电子商务个性化推荐系统 5
2.1电子商务个性化推荐系统概述 5
2.2电子商务个性化推荐系统结构 5
2.2.1数据收集模块 6
2.2.2电子商务个性化推荐系统主要的研究内容 6
2.3电子商务个性化推荐技术 7
2.3.1 基于规则的推荐 7
2.3.2基于内容过滤的推荐算法 8
2.3.3协同过滤技术 8
2.3.4几种推荐算法的优缺点 9
2.3.5混合推荐技术 10
第3章传统协同过滤算法研究和分析 12 [来源:http://Doc163.com]
3.1传统协同过滤算法概述 12
3.2传统协同过滤算法中存在的问题 14
3.2.1数据稀疏性问题 14
3.2.2冷启动问题 15
3.2.3可扩展性问题 15
3.3问题的解决方法 15
3.3.1稀疏性问题 15
3.3.2冷启动问题 16
3.3.3可扩展性问题 16
第4章电子商务个性化推荐系统简单案例的设计和实践 18
4.1问题背景 18
4.2数据结构和实验过程设计 18
4.2.1实验数据以及返回值 18
4.2.2:数据结构设计 18
4.2.3算法流程设计 19
4.3实际运行 19
4.4结果 19
第5章总结与展望 21
5.1总结 21
5.2展望 21
参考文献 22
致谢 23