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摘 要
    本系统的开发工具为Android studio+eclipise.开发环境为Mysql+tomcat服务器。As编写前端代码,eclispse编写服务器端程序。
关键字:营销管理  业务员  java  mysql  android

The App Development Based On The Marketing Management
   With the development of mobile oa technology, office automation technology, Office automation has been more and more favored by various companies. The traditional corporate management model has some cumbersome steps such as the cumbersome management steps, low efficiency, the company management between the high-level and the clerk of the obvious shortcomings of the lack of interaction.


As a result, the office system automation was born. This system provides the possibility of handheld management, more convenient to the company's top management clerk performance and so on.
Pocket management is a rising application areas, this article describes in detail the marketing management platform design and development process, Through this platform, the system administrator can publish the month's tasks, indicators, and announcements, see the clerk's performance for the month, and historical performance. The clerk can submit the performance of the month, for the administrator to view, you can download the announcement attachment to understand the contents of the announcement. Simplifies the complexity of paper management, improve management efficiency, and enhance the interaction between the administrator and the clerk.
The development of the system tools for the Android studio + eclipse. Development environment for Mysql + tomcat server. As write front-end code, eclispse write server-side program.


Key Words: Marketing management; Clerk;java;mysql;android

第一章 绪论    1
1.1  研发背景和意义    1
1.2    系统开发简介    1
1.3    开发环境    1
1.4  系统设计思想    2
1.5  论文结构    2
第二章 系统开发技术介绍    3
2.1  Java 介绍    3
2.2  JSP和Servlet技术介绍    3
2.3  Mysql介绍    3
2.4  Tomcat服务器介绍    4
2.5  android技术介绍    4
第三章 系统分析    5
3.1  需求分析    5
3.1.1  用户需求    5
3.1.2  系统需求    5
3.2  可行性分析    5
3.2.1  技术可行性    5
3.2.2  时间可行性    6 [资料来源:]
3.2.3  经济可行性分析    6
3.3  系统开发计划    6
第四章 总体设计    7
4.1  系统结构设计    7
4.1.1  web端和android端主体框架结构设计搭建分析    7
4.1.2  系统的各个模块设计    7
4.1.3  系统结构图    8
4.1.4  系统用例图    9
4.1.5  流程图    10
4.2  数据库设计    11
第五章 系统实现    17
5.1  业务员功能实现    17
5.1.1  登陆注册模块界面实现    17
5.1.2  主界面框架实现    21
5.1.3  个人信息管理模块    21
5.1.4  客户管理模块    23
5.1.5  公告管理模块    25
5.1.6  订单管理模块    26
5.1.7  业绩管理模块    28
5.2  管理员功能    30


第六章 系统测试    33
6.1  测试的环境    33
6.2  各模块测试    33
第七章 结束语    35
参考文献    36
致谢    37


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