
摘 要
A Study on the Relevance of Social Financing Sizes as the Intermediary Target of Monetary Policy under the New Normal
With the gradual deepening of China's financial reform and development, the scale of social financing and the diversified development of financing channels provide a completely new idea for the objective regulation and control of monetary policy.therefore, taking the size of social financing as the intermediary target of monetary policy can further strengthen the economic connection between financial development and social development on the one hand, and can also rationally replenish the traditional policy intermediary target of money supply on the other hand And effectively enhance the overall adaptability of the macro-control of the money supply, which is feasible for the macro-control and economic development in the new normal. Therefore, based on this research background, this paper innovatively uses the indicator of social financing scale as the intermediary and control target of monetary policy for economic research. It uses the richer and more comprehensive economic information of social financing scale, Based on this, the paper further discusses the economic relationship between the financial system construction and the development of real economy, and puts forward reasonable suggestions that are more in line with the requirements of the macro-control of monetary policy in our country. In order to better meet the overall requirements of China's financial development and economic construction.
Key words: New normalcy of economy; social financing scale; monetary policy; relevance
目 录
1. 绪论 4
1.1 研究背景与意义 4
1.2 国内外研究综述 4
1.3 主要研究内容 6
1.4 研究方法 6
2. 理论研究基础 7
2.1 货币政策中介目标的主要内容 7
2.3 我国货币政策中介目标的发展历程 8
3. 新常态下社会融资规模作为货币政策中介目标的相关性分析 8
3.1 社会融资规模与物价的经济相关性分析 9
3.2 社会融资规模与经济增长的经济相关性分析 10
3.3 社会融资规模与促进就业的经济相关性分析 11
3.4 社会融资规模与国际收支平衡的经济相关性分析 11
4. 新常态下社会融资规模与货币供应量作为中介目标的一个对比 12
4.1 经济贡献率的对比分析 13
4.2 市场经济作用程度的对比分析 14 [资料来源:http://doc163.com]
4.3 调控灵活性的对比分析 14
结 论 15