摘 要:美国2007年底次贷危机所引发的金融动荡迅速席卷世界各地的各个行业。这次危机在本质上是对全球经济模式失衡的一次大调整,而造成此次全球金融危机的房地产行业更是难逃其难。其中也包括我国的房地产市场。中央政府为此也推出了一些关于房地产市场的利率、信贷和税收的政策。但自2007年至今我国房地产市场持续低迷。进入了周期性调整阶段,当然作为房地产市场主体的房地产商的形势也不容乐观。分析金融危机下我国房地产的形势。对房地产开发进行有效的引导和管理具有重要的现实意义。
Research on Current Situation and Strategies of Real Estate under the Financial Crisis
Abstract: The United States by the end of 2007 subprime mortgage crisis triggered by the financial turmoil swept the world in all industries.The crisis is essentially a model of global economic imbalances a major adjustment, resulting in the current global financial crisis, the real estate industry is able to escape their difficult. Including our real estate market. Central Government has also introduced some of this real estate market, interest rates, credit and taxation policies.However, since 2007, has China's real estate market continues to slump. Into a cyclical adjustment phase, of course, the real estate market as the main body of the real estate situation is not optimistic.Analysis of the financial crisis the real estate situation. On the real estate development and management of effective guidance of important practical significance..
Keywords: Financial Crisis;Real estate business;The government's policy;