关键词:居民消费 消费需求 低碳绿色消费
Abstract:With the continuous development of economy, the consumption trend of residents in our country also presents different changes. The main research object of this article is in wuhan city residents. Research topic for the study of the wuhan city residents' consumption characteristics. According to the characteristics of wuhan residents' consumption present situation has carried on the detailed analysis, from the residents' consumption structure, consumption environment, people's income and government aspects of interference from the residents' consumption are expounded. At the same time for,The present situation of finding out the main cause of this situation, and puts forward some improvement measures, from three aspects to improve the state, society, residents, countries to speed up the macroeconomic regulation and control ability, social practice the social security system and improve the market economic system and strengthen cultivating consumption consciousness, also should advocate low carbon green consumption. In this way can we do to meet consumer demand in wuhan city, make economic development more stabilization. [资料来源:http://Doc163.com]
Keywords: residents' consumption demand Low carbon greenconsumption
摘要 1
关键词 1
Abstract 2
Keywords 2
1.相关知识及理论概述 3
1.1居民消费的特点的定义 3
1.2武汉市居民消费特点的概述 3
1.2.1从现时消费向前瞻式消费过渡 3
1.2.2经济社会转型过程中制度濡化下的消费模式 3
2.1武汉市居民消费特点现状分析 4
2.1消费市场结构的调整与优化 4
2.2 消费环境的的转变 4
2.3居民收入的增加 5
2.4 政府对居民消费的干预 5
2.5城乡消费差距 6
2.5.1城乡居民消费水平 6
2.5.2城乡居民消费结构 6
3武汉市居民消费的影响因素 7
3.1居民收入增长的缓慢 7 [资料来源:http://doc163.com]
3.2不完善的社会保障系统 7
3.3不健全的消费理念 8
3.4政府对市场的调控力度不足 8
3.5社会发展促进武汉居民消费 9
4应对策略 10
4.1 建立完善社会保障制度 10
4.2 加强国家的宏观调控稳定物价 10
4.3 培养居民新的消费理念 11
4.4 发展低碳消费绿色消费 11
5 总结 13