Since the normalization of relations between China and Vietnam in 1991, especially with the continuous progress of the construction of the China-ASEAN Free Trade Area, the trade volume between China and Vietnam has been continuously increasing. However, the current border trade is still facing many problems such as backward infrastructure and unbalanced development. Countries urgently need to take measures to solve both symptoms and problems and promote the sustained and steady development of border trade between China and Vietnam so as to achieve the multiple purposes of promoting the development of bilateral economic and trade relations, increasing the income of frontier people and consolidating the frontier. By analyzing the current situation of the development of Sino-Vietnamese border commodity trade, this paper finds out the problems in development and puts forward suggestions and countermeasures for the future development of Sino-Vietnam trade.
[Key words]: The Belt and Road; CAFTA; Vietnam; Border Trade
“一带一路”背景下广西—越南边境贸易现状及发展研究 1
中文摘要 1
Abstract 2
一、概述 3
(一)研究背景 3
(二)研究目的和意义 3
二、广西与越南边贸发展现状 3
(一)边境贸易发展情况 3
(二)广西与越南进出口主要商品情况 4
三、广西与越南边贸发展特点 5
(一)边境贸易实行多渠道、多层次、多形式经营 5
(二)产品结构既具有互补性又具有竞争性 5
(三)边境贸易发展的有利因素 5
1.存在巨大的合作市场 5
2.具有独特的区位优势和优越的交通条件 6
3.中国 - 东盟自由贸易的促进作用 6
四、广西与越南边贸发展中存在的问题 6 [来源:http://www.doc163.com]
(一)口岸和边贸互市点的基础设施不够完善 6
1.互市点的基础设施不够完善 6
2.一些港口设施已经过时,功能受到了影响 6
(二)贸易结构简单,高附加值产品少,价值增长幅度低 7
(三)贸易管理体系不完善 7
(四)两国市场机制还不完善,边贸政策不够规范 7
1.配额管制限制了边境贸易的发展 7
2.国家主管部门经常对边境贸易政策进行调整 8
3.中国和越南都是发展中国家 8
(五)其他国家和地区的竞争和干预影响了广西和越南边境贸易的发展 8
五、如何促进广西与越南的边贸发展 9
(一)加强基础设施建设和软环境建设,改变边境贸易环境 9
1.加强边贸软环境建设 9
2.加强基础设施建设 9
(二)开展多种贸易形式,实现边境贸易多元化 10
1.利用口岸优势发展口岸经济 10
2.加快边贸加工区建设 10 [资料来源:http://doc163.com]
(三)加强边贸管理合作 10
(四)国家应适当调整和放宽边贸政策 11
1.给予边境口岸更优惠的政策支持 11
2.放宽进出口经营权的限制 11
3.调整部分策略 11
(五)大力挖掘双方各自的资源优势 12
结语 12 [资料来源:www.doc163.com]