摘 要
关键词:管理理念 战略 服务特色 贸易战略 启示
Disney company can become the world's first paradise, not only in the beautiful amusement facilities, but also in the unique management concept, so that Disney can become a world-famous amusement park from film and television. But the culture of fishing in different places is different, so the development of Disney paradise in different places is different. Because of its management concept and the characteristics of the service content is different, so the creation of Universal Studios is not so famous as Disney. These ideas and service features are what we need to study and study in the playground.
Keywords: management philosophy strategy service characteristics trade strategy enlightenment
目 录
一、迪士尼发展历史及现状 7
(一)迪士尼发展历史 7
(二)迪士尼乐园发展现状 7
二、迪士尼服务贸易战略分析 8
(一)营销战略 8
(二)人才战略 9
(三)品牌战略 9
三、亚洲迪士尼之间的对比 11
(一)东京迪士尼概述 11
(二)东京迪士尼与上海迪士尼对比 12
(三)香港迪士尼概述 12
(四)香港迪士尼与上海迪士尼对比 13
四、迪士尼与环球影城的服务贸易对比 14
(一)环球影城的概况 14
(二)迪士尼与环球影城在服务方面的比较 15
五、迪士尼服务贸易战略给我国服务贸易发展的启示 15
六、参考文献 18