
摘 要
In recent years, with the sustained and rapid development of China's economy, the RMB is facing unprecedented pressure to appreciate, which is bound to export dependence extile industry have an important impact on exports. In China, the process of accelerating the reform of the RMB exchange rate, intertwined with the world economic downturn, local political instability and other factors. The factors that affect the exchange rate change are becoming more and more complicated, and because of the widening of the fluctuation range of the RMB exchange rate, the exchange rate fluctuates more and more frequently. Zhejiang Province is China's textile production province and export province, the textile industry in the province's industrial production and export trade occupies a pivotal position. At the same time, Zhejiang textile industry in the country and the international community has an important impact, showing a strong competitive advantage. The abolition of the global quota of textiles has injected a short-term vitality into the Zhejiang textile industry, but the ensuing "special safeguard" measures and the appreciation of the renminbi so that Zhejiang textile exports under double pressure. Based on the annual data of China's RMB exchange rate from RMB 2002to 2016, Zhejiang textile exports and per capita national income of Zhejiang Province, Eows6.0 software was used to establish the unit root, co-integration test and ECM model, and the model was validated test. The results show that exchange rate fluctuations affect the export of the textile industry, but in the short term the exchange rate has no significant impact on the export of the textile industry. [资料来源:www.doc163.com]
Key words: exchange rate changes, textile industry, exports, impact
目 录
摘 要 I
引 言 2
一、文献回顾 3
(一)相关汇率理论研究发展综述 3
(二)国外相关研究成果及动态 4
(三)国内相关研究成果及动态 5
三、浙江纺织品的出口现状及存在的问题 6
(一)浙江纺织品的出口现状 6
(二)浙江纺织品存在的问题 9
四、汇率变动的状况 11
(一)人民币汇率机制的发展阶段 11
(二)人民币汇率的变动分析 12
五、 人民币汇率波动对浙江纺织业出口影响的实证分析 13
(一)模型的确定与变量的选取 13
(二)数据的选取 14
(三)实证检验 14
六、建议与对策 17
(一)提高产品质量,增加产品附加值 17
(二)企业品牌的塑造 17
(三)管理理念的转变 18
(四)使用金融工具 19
(五)建立外贸摩擦风险预警机制 19
参考文献 20