关键词:贸易;地区经济;商品竞争 [资料来源:]
Since 1980s, with the continuous expansion of China's opening up, the national economy has initially realized the transition from the closed mode to open mode, the development of its development into the overall pattern of the world economy. China's foreign trade has made considerable progress both in terms of scale and structure. In 2000 China has become the world's seventh largest trading nation; import and export commodity structure presents the evolution trend of continuous optimization, industrial products in the import and export has occupied dominant position: trade throughout the world, has reached more than 230 countries and regions: China's foreign trade has become an important part of the world trade, its development and changes of China's economy and the world economy increasingly produce important and irreplaceable role.
Foreign trade structure is a comprehensive reflection of the economic and technological development level, industrial structure, international competition ability, the status of international division of labor and international trade. From China's reform and opening up, especially in the 90's to cancel the export business losses subsidies and relax import restrictions on foreign trade development, China's long-term growth of foreign trade mainly depends on the dynamic changes in their comparative advantage and international market demand. From the perspective of empirical research, the situation of China's comparative advantage and its profound reflection on the structure of foreign trade. Therefore, comprehensive, systematic and in-depth analysis and study of these structural problems can be used as a basis for judging the long-term trend of China's foreign trade, the formulation of foreign trade development strategy and policy. [资料来源]
Key words: trade; regional economy; commodity competition
摘要 1
Abstract 2
目录 3
一、对外贸易理论 4
1.1 对外贸易理论 4
1.2贸易成本与贸易自由化 4
1.3 我国对外贸易存在的几个问题 5
二、技术性贸易壁垒严重阻碍我国商品的出口 6
三、我国对外贸易中应采取的对策 7
3.1服务贸易方面 7
3.2技术性贸易壁垒方面 7
3.3对外贸易摩擦方面 8
四、政策建议 8
4.1 获取外贸技术溢出,增加自主创新能力 9
4.2 增加外贸要素积累,提升内生比较优势 9
4.3 调整贸易地理结构,促进区域协调发展 9
结论 10
参考文献 11
致谢 12 [资料来源]