摘 要:中国的外汇储备增长过快,数量庞大,如何合理有效的管理和利用是一个值得研究的问题。本文从中国的现实国情出发,分析我国外汇储备管理存在的风险,并针对其提出可行性的对策,巨额的外汇储备加剧了汇率、财政、通胀和政治等外汇管理风险,而要规避这些外汇管理风险需要实施如主权财富基金的战略投资、藏汇于民、外汇储备多元化和扩大内需等有效措施。
Chinese Foreign Exchange Reserves Management Problems and Countermeasures
Abstract: Foreign exchange reserves to an open economy is critical, is the intermediation of international balance of payments deficit, foreign exchange market intervention, to maintain stable currencies, borrowing and repayment of foreign debt guarantees, etc., in the face of its economy in the occupied an important position, the management of its foreign exchange reserves of a country is particularly important. Deadline end of March 2010, China's foreign exchange reserves has increased to 2.447084 trillion U.S. dollars more than other countries and regions in Northeast Asia's combined foreign exchange reserves more, and this figure was actually more than the world's leading Group of Seven (including the United States, Japan , United Kingdom, Germany, France, Canada, Italy,) combined. Huge foreign exchange reserves increased the exchange rate, fiscal, inflation and political risks of foreign exchange management, and to avoid the need for foreign exchange risk management strategies, such as sovereign wealth funds invest in the Tibetan Department of the people, reserve diversification and expansion of domestic demand effective measures to。 [资料来源:]
Keywords : foreign exchange reserves ; management risk ;countermeasures
摘 要 1
关键词 1
一、绪论 1
(一)选题意义 2
(二)国内研究现状 2
二、我国外汇储备的现状及成因 3
(一)外汇储备的现状 3
(二)高额外汇储备的成因 4
三、我国外汇储备的使用与管理 5
(一)我国的外汇管理制度 5
1外储调整战略 抛长债买短债 5
2人民币经常项目可兑换 6
3资本项目部分管制 6
(二)外汇储备的用途 8
1投资低风险、低收益资产 8
2购买新技术和设备 8
四、当前中国外汇储备管理存在的风险分析 9
(一)汇率风险 9
(二)财政风险 9
(三)通胀风险 10
(四)政治风险 10
五、规避外汇管理风险的对策措施 10
(一)主权财富基金的战略投资 10
(二)藏汇于民 11
(三)外汇储备多元化 11
(四)扩大内需,增加进口 12
参考文献 12
致 谢 14 [资料来源]