Abstract: Since China has joined into WTO, and with the situation of rapidly development of international economics globalization, there is no doubt that, for China enterprises’ financial growth, the choice of multinational operations is evitable. However, the level of potential market development and limitation of capacity of those financial enterprises give rise to the great impediments for merging. At the stage of analyzing the problems of enterprises’ multinational merge investment, which include the investment profiles are excessively centralized, in addition, the ability of risk estimation cannot reach the required standards. Therefore, this paper discusses, firstly, the problems that limitation of national enterprises and lack of intelligence in national enterprises during the situation of merge. Secondly, it also provides some advices and suggestion to solve these problems. Finally, there are some initial investigations about the national enterprises’’ development strategies.
Keywords: Financial Industry; Transnational Mergers; Present Situations; Countermeasures;
摘 要 1
关键词 1
一、绪论 1
(一)选题意义 1
(二)国内外研究动态 2
1 金融业跨国并购的动因与特征 2
2 金融业跨国并购的效应与风险 2
3 金融业跨国并购的启示与对策 3
(三)本文的研究思路和方法 3
二、金融业跨国并购的动因与特征 4
(一)金融业跨国并购的动因 4
1 经营模式的转变和防范风险的需要 4
2 提高行业集中度而获取超额利润 4 [资料来源:http://doc163.com]
3 丰富本国金融市场和拓展海外业务 4
(二)国际金融业跨国并购的特征 5
三、我国金融业跨国并购的现状与问题 6
(一)我国金融业跨国并购的现状 6
1 我国金融业的发展处于初级阶段 6
2 经营模式的转变和管理方式的升级 6
3 我国金融业加快了海外并购的步伐 6
(二)我国金融业跨国并购存在的问题 6
1 垄断经营的不利之处 7
2 与国外金融业相比我国金融业发展水平落后 7
3 对风险的评估能力过低 7
4 缺乏高端人才 8
四、案例分析--以中国平安收购比利时富通集团股权为例 8
(一)案例简介 8
(二)并购失败的原因 8
五、案例启示--我国金融业跨国并购的对策 9