本文首先通过基于对网络营销理论的研究,充分探讨了国内房地产中介网络营销现状,分析其特征和主要采取的网络营销策略。并以1+2联合不动产为案例,结合其采取的营销方式,对其进行SWOT分析,通过了解1+2联合不动产的优劣势,以及市场上的机会和威胁,找到企业的网络营销发展方向。指出其在营销过程中的问题,做出了具体的研究分析,最后根据以上研究提出了相应的网络营销改进策略。 [资料来源:https://www.doc163.com]
关键词:房地产中介 网络营销 营销策略
Analysis of the real estate enterprise's network marketing strategy -- take the 1+2 union real estate as an example
With the rapid development of Internet technology, the growth of the Internet users, the network for everyone's life, is particularly important. The huge number of Internet users, at the same time also for each big enterprise has brought the huge business opportunities. Huge customer group on the network, brings the network marketing is more broad space. The network marketing promotion also with its interaction and spread widely, low cost, high efficiency and other significant advantages become one of the most effective, the most important way of marketing. So each big enterprise to carry out the network marketing has become an indispensable part of enterprise development. Obviously, the traditional marketing methods cannot meet the needs of enterprise development, real estate development enterprise will gaze from tangible market transition to the network market, although with challenges appear constantly, but all sorts of opportunities will follow. Real estate enterprises want to long-term development, must develop along with the Internet can adapt to network marketing planning, so as to meet the development of the market and needs. [资料来源:http://doc163.com]
This paper based on the research on the theory of network marketing, fully discusses the domestic real estate enterprises network marketing present situation, the analysis of the characteristics of the real estate enterprises network marketing and the current domestic real estate enterprises mainly adopt the mode of network marketing. And with 1 + 2 joint real estate as a case, combined with its marketing, carries on the SWOT analysis, by understanding the advantages and disadvantages of 1 + 2 joint real estate, as well as the opportunities and threats of the market, find the enterprise's network marketing development direction. Points out the problems in the marketing process, has made the concrete analysis, according to the above research raise the
relevant marketing strategy improvement.
Keywords: Real Estate Enterprise ;Network Marketing; Marketing Strategy
目 录
摘要 I
Abstract II
第一章 绪论 3 [资料来源:http://Doc163.com]
1.1 研究背景 3
1.2 研究意义 3
1.3国内研究现状 4
1.4 研究方法和框架 4
1.4.1研究方法 4
1.4.2研究框架 5
第二章 网络营销理论基础 6
2.1 网络营销概念 6
2.2 网络营销的意义 6
2.2.1实现信息发布 6
2.2.2扩展和延伸品牌价值 7
2.2.3开拓销售渠道 7
2.2.4实现经济效益增值 7
2.3房地产网络营销 7
第三章 我国房地产中介网络营销现状分析 8
3.1发展现状 8
3.2现阶段房地产中介网络营销特征 8
3.2.1交流的双向性 8
3.2.2信息透明度强 9
3.2.3以消费者为中心 9
3.3房地产中介网络营销的主要手段 9
3.3.1网站营销 9 [来源:http://Doc163.com]
3.3.2电子邮件营销 10
3.3.3搜索引擎营销 10
第四章 关于1+2联合不动产 11
4.1 企业简介 11
4.2现有的营销策略 11
4.2.1论坛广告营销 11
4.2.2网站营销 11
4.2.3分类信息网营销 11
4.2.4线下营销 12
4.3 SWOT分析 12
4.3.1 1+2联合不动产开展网络营销的优势(strength) 12
4.3.2 1+2不动产开展网络营销的劣势(weakness) 13
4.3.3 1+2联合不动产开展网络营销的机会(opportunity) 14
4.3.4 1+2联合不动产开展网络营销的威胁(threat) 15
4.4 1+2联合不动产网络营销存在的问题 16
4.4.1网络营销战略意识不足 16
4.4.2网站内容不够全面,对客户吸引力小 17
4.4.3网络营销技术达不到网络营销要求 17
第五章 1+2联合不动产网络营销改进策略 18
5.1网络市场调研策略 18
5.1.1问卷统计和分析 18
5.2加强对网络营销的重视以及技术的支持 21
5.3加强门户网站建设提高客户信任度 22
5.4 线上线下整合营销 23
结论与展望 24
参考文献 25
致谢 27
附录 28 [资料来源:http://Doc163.com]