摘 要
关键字: 微博 网络营销 微博营销 OPPO
Analysis of Network Marketing Based on Micro-Blog [来源:http://Doc163.com]
--OPPO Cellphone as an Example
With the popularization and development of Internet, e-commerce grows, more and more network marketing methods continue to emerge, they appear constantly in the market occupies an important position of certain, but now with the rise of App, micro-blog WeChat boom, new network marketing way based on the post bar, micro-blog, WeChat and so on these platforms as the representative is constantly growing, bring good benefits for many enterprises and individual operators.
This paper is mainly through the research status of micro-blog marketing, by means of questionnaire, combined with the results of the questionnaire collected, analysis of the lack of the micro-blog network marketing platform may be based on the present, find out the existing problems and puts forward some countermeasures of their own, then use OPPO mobile phone micro-blog marketing case, with them the company for micro-blog marketing problems may exist at present, take measures to analyze this platform based on micro-blog network marketing to bring its great value, micro-blog marketing method from OPPO the company used in the draw some experience, how to better in order to better guide our individual and enterprise network marketing the use of micro-blog, the company can learn to learn, in order to explain the micro-blog platform based on network marketing Make sense. [资料来源:Doc163.com]
Key Words: Micro-blog; Network Marketing; Micro-blog Marketing; OPPO
目 录
摘 要 I
第一章 引 言 1
1.1.1 研究背景及意义 1
1.1.1 研究背景 1
1.1.2 研究意义 1
1.2 研究内容与方法 2
1.2.1 研究内容 2
1.2.2 拟采取的研究方法 2
第二章 相关理论与文献综述 4
2.1 新兴网络营销方式的发展现状 4
2.2 微博营销的内涵 4
2.3 基于微博这个平台网络营销受欢迎的成因 4
2.4 微博营销的主要方法 5
2.5 本章综合评述 6
第三章 微博营销的现状及问题分析 7 [资料来源:http://doc163.com]
3.1 微博营销的发展现状 7
3.2 企业微博营销的问卷调查 8
3.2.1 调查目的 8
3.2.2 问卷调查设计 8
3.2.3 调查结果分析及数据分析 9
3.3 微博营销存在问题 13
第四章 微博营销的策略 15
4.1 拒绝植入过多广告类信息 15
4.2 找准自身品牌的人群定位 15
4.3 加强与用户的互动交流 15
4.4 有技巧的开展各式不同的线上活动 16
4.5 选择和自身目标受众高度重合的明星 16
第五章 OPPO手机微博营销分析 17
5.1 研究OPPO手机案例的原因 17
5.1.1 前几年的发展状况 17
5.1.2 近几年的发展状况 17
5.1.3 总的概述 18
5.2 OPPO手机微博营销对策具体分析 18
5.2.1 与微博深入合作自然的切入广告 19 [资料来源:https://www.doc163.com]
5.2.2 定准了年轻人的市场 20
5.2.3 注重与新老用户的互动与反馈 21
5.2.4 发布一系列新颖独特的送福利活动 22
5.2.5 将明星与品牌产品相关联 23
5.2.6 冠名多个综艺节目及微博之夜 25
5.3 OPPO手机微博营销启示 26
结束语 28
参考文献 29
附录1:调查问卷 31
附录2:调查问卷结果 35
致 谢 40