Research on the influence of WeChat marketing information on the purchase intention of users [来源:http://www.doc163.com]
In today's mobile Internet era of rapid development, represented by the letter of the public platform mobile user experience with its pioneering and innovation function, quickly accumulated the massive user ecosystem and grow into a platform. A large number of enterprises have joined in, as a new channel for information push. Therefore, it is very important to analyze the factors that affect the purchase intention of the users to the development of WeChat platform. Firstly, this paper reviews the research on WeChat marketing information at home and abroad. On the basis of consumer behavior, the theoretical hypothesis is put forward and the model of user purchase intention is constructed. And then according to the related literature, and user interviews, to push information authenticity of entertaining, interactive, three dimension as independent variables, the brand image as an intermediate variable, the user purchase intention as the dependent variable is analyzed. Based on this model, the paper collects data through online questionnaires and USES SPSS.20 software to analyze the reliability validity of the questionnaire, correlation analysis and regression analysis. On this basis, AMOS validates the feasibility of the mediation variables to verify the correctness of the hypothesis. Conclusion: the entertainment and interactive performance of information can positively influence the purchase intention of users through brand image.
Key words:WeChat;Marketing information; Purchase intention; The brand image
1.绪论 1
1.1研究背景及意义 1
1.1.1研究背景 1
1.1.2研究意义 1
1.2研究方法与框架 2
1.2.1研究方法 2
1.2.2研究框架 2
1.3研究创新点 3
2.文献综述 3
2.1国内外研究现状 3
2.1.1基于社交平台的社会化购物研究 3
2.1.2基于微信营销的用户购买意愿研究 4
2.2文献述评 4
3研究设计 4
3.1理论基础 4
3.2研究假设 5
3.3基于微信平台信息推送的用户购买意愿模型 6
3.4量表设计 6
3.4.1微信营销号推送信息量表设计 6
3.4.2品牌形象量表设计 7
3.4.3用户购买意愿量表设计 8 [资料来源:Doc163.com]
3.5问卷设计方法 8
4.数据统计 8
4.1数据采集 8
4.2 描述性统计 8
4.2信度分析 9
4.3效度分析 10
4.4自变量、中介变量、因变量相关性分析 10
4.5变量回归分析 10
4.5.1娱乐性、互动性、真实性和品牌形象的回归分析 10
4.5.2娱乐性、互动性、真实性和购买意愿的回归分析 11
4.5.3品牌形象和购买意愿的回归分析 12
4.6结构方程模型 13
4.6.1模型构建 13
4.6.2模型验证与结论 13
4.7假设验证 14
5总结 15
5.1研究总结 15
5.2研究启示 16
5.3研究不足 16
参考文献 17
致谢 18