关键词:新能源汽车; 推广政策; 购买意愿
Research on the policy of new energy vehicles towards consumer’s purchasing willingness
Abstract:In this paper, we take new energy vehicles policies as our research direction,and new energy vehicles policy is divided into three parts.We call them direct economic incentivespoliciesindirect incentives policies and infrastructure services policiesrespectively,and we research their impact on the willingness of consumers to buy.In addition,we build theoretical model based on them. Then get conclusion through statistical analysis of the survey.Direct economic incentives policies and infrastructure service policies have a significant impact on he willingness of consumers to buy,and indirect incentives policy have no significant effect on he willingness of consumers to buy。
Keywords:new energy vehicles; promotion policies; purchase intention
目 录
1 引言 1
1.1研究背景 1
1.2研究意义 1
1.3 研究思路 1
2 文献综述 2
3模型构建及假设 4
3.1 研究假设 4
3.2模型构建 5
4问卷设计与数据收集 5
4.1问卷设计 5
4.2数据收集 6
4.3描述性统计分析 6
4.3.1 调查者基本信息的描述性统计分析 6
4.3.2 主要测量题项的描述性统计分析 7
4.4 信度和效度分析 8
4.4.1信度分析 8
4.4.2效度分析 8
5 数据分析 9 [资料来源:http://www.doc163.com]
5.1相关性分析 9
5.2多元回归分析 10
6 研究结果分析及政策建议 11
6.1结果分析 11
6.2政策建议 13
7 结论及展望 13
7.1结论 13
7.2 研究不足及未来展望 14
参考文献 14
附录 一 16
附录 二 19
致谢 20 [资料来源:www.doc163.com]