摘 要
关键词:中小企业 ; 融资 ; 对策
With the acceleration of China's reform pace and the rapid economic growth, the status of SMEs in the economic development has been continuously improved, which has played a positive and important role in alleviating employment pressure, promoting the rapid economic development, and improving people’s living standards. The development of SMEs can not be separated from funds, but there are great deviations in terms of the current issue of Chinese enterprises' fund lending. Although the state has introduced a series of financial policies in recent years and has continuously increased funding support for SMEs, the problem of financing for SMEs has been improved, but the situation is still not optimistic. This paper discusses the financing of SMEs, starts with financing status, analyzes the reasons for financing, and finally draws relevant policy recommendations.
KEY WORDS:SMEs. ; Financing ; Countermeasures
引 言 1
一、中小企业普遍面临的融资困境 2
二、中小企业的融资渠道 2
(一) 内源融资 3
1. 内源性权益融资 3
2. 内源性债务融资 3
(二) 外源融资 4
1.间接融资渠道 4
2.直接融资渠道 4
(三) 中小企业融资难的主要原因 4
1. 中小企业自生发展原因 4
目前我国的中小企业大多是家族经营或合伙经营方式的,公司员工数量少, 4
2. 金融体系和金融机构原因 5
2.1 银行体制原因 5
3. 政府政策性原因 6
(四) 现阶段解决中小企业融资难的政策建议 7
1.政府政策性建议 7 [资料来源:https://www.doc163.com]
1.1 积极发挥政府的监督和管理作用 7
1.2 加快中小企业融资的相关法律法规的建立 7
1.3 加大政府在中小企业信用体系中起到的积极作用 7
1.4 设立中小企业的专项政策性资金 8
2.非政府性政策建议 8
2.1 中小企业应努力提高自生管理水平和信用体系 8
2.2 与各金融机构共同完善中小企业金融服务体系 9
2.3 有效利用民间闲散资金 9
2.4 加大金融机构对中小企业的担保扶持 9
2.5 拓宽资本市场融资途径 10
参考文献 11
致 谢 12
附 录......................................................................................................................13