摘 要
【关键词】中小型企业 员工培训 对策建议
Many small and medium-sized enterprises in China, after the arrival of the era of knowledge economy, more and more rely on the power of talent to expand their own business space, so the importance of talent is becoming more and more prominent, enterprises must strengthen human resources training for employees, to make their own strength above other enterprises. This paper is divided into four parts, the first part briefly introduces the research background and domestic and foreign research status, the second part mainly analyzes the significance of employee training for small and medium-sized enterprises; The third part mainly analyzes the problems existing in the staff training of small and medium-sized enterprises in China. In the fourth part, based on the domestic and foreign literature research results, the author puts forward some suggestions on the problems existing in the staff training of small and medium-sized enterprises in China. Through the research on the staff training of small and medium-sized enterprises in China, it is found that small and medium-sized enterprises must formulate their own training methods according to the actual situation and staff quality, so as to better play the real value of staff training. [资料来源:http://www.doc163.com]
Keywords: small and medium enterprises; private enterprises; staff training
目 录
一、绪论 1
(一)研究背景和意义 1
(二)研究内容与方法 1
(三)国内外研究现状 2
二、中小企业员工培训概述 3
(一)中小企业的感念及其特点 3
(二)员工培训 3
三、中小企业员工培训面临的难点和误区 4
(一)中小企业由于自身特点形成的问题 4
(二)公司和员工对培训的必要性认识不足 4
(三)培训计划的设计和实施不合理 5
(四)员工培训评估机制不完善 5
四、解决中小企业员工培训中存在问题的对策 6
(一)树立真确的培训理念 6
(二)建立系统的科学的培训体系 6
(三)建立科学的培训评估体系 7
(四)完善激励机制调动员工参与培训的积极性 7
结语 8
参考文献 9 [资料来源:www.doc163.com]