Abstract:the medical and health environment in China is being reformed, and the medical and social work plays an important role in it. Medical social work is an important way to reflect the humanistic service of the hospital. Medical social work focused on cases, groups, communities, volunteers and other forms of service focuses on psychological and emotional distress of patients, and focuses on solving all kinds of psychological and social problems caused by diseases, so as to achieve the real sense of "holistic care". Humanistic care service system is the direction of current hospital service reform. We should grasp the characteristics of medical social work and the development direction of hospital humanistic care system, and play an important role in the construction of hospital humanistic service system. [资料来源:www.doc163.com]
Key words: Humanistic care in medical social work hospital
摘要: 1
关键词: 1
Abstract 1
Key words 1
一、绪论 2
1、研究背景 2
2、研究目的与意义 2
3、研究方法 3
二、理论基础与研究现状 4
1、理论基础 4
(1)社会福利理论 4
(2)沟通理论 5
2、研究现状 5
三、医务社工介入医院人文关怀的必要性分析 6
1、我国一些医院人文关怀相对缺乏 6
2、患者普遍存在社会心理问题 6
3、目前医院机构设置无法满足病人的社会心理需要 7
4、目前医疗纠纷解决方式存在着不足 7
四、医务社工介入医院人文关怀未来发展的建议 8
1、加强人文教育,培养新型医学人才 8
2、加强领导,健全服务制度,完善考核体系 8
3、提高人文素质,做到人文关怀与医疗技术关怀 8
4、注重关怀质量,扩大关怀范围,提高关怀能力 8
5、重构医学人文精神与制度化决定因素 9
6、医疗实践过程中人文关怀的行为选择 9
参考文献 10 [资料来源:http://Doc163.com]