Study on incentive mechanism of local tax cadres in Putian city
(School of Management, Supervisor: Du Xuan)
Abstract: In the 21st century, China's economy is developing rapidly and its fiscal revenue is increasing. As the main financial source of local government, local tax department plays an irreplaceable role in the development of local economy. [1] The incentive mechanism of civil servants is an important part of the management mechanism of civil servants. through the establishment of the incentive mechanism of civil servants, the enthusiasm and initiative of civil servants can be effectively mobilized, and the improvement of administrative efficiency can be promoted. [2] As a kind of civil servant, local tax officials have been holding a negative attitude for many years. the most fundamental reason is the lack of incentive mechanism.The establishment of scientific and reasonable incentive mechanism, fully mobilize the enthusiasm, initiative and creativity of tax personnel at the grass-roots level, to promote the local tax system to continuously improve the work style, improve performance, to promote the modernization of tax has important significance [版权所有:http://DOC163.com]
Keywords:Local tax department ;public finance;Incentive mechanism
前言 4
一、激励相关概念与作用 4
(一) 激励的概念 4
(二) 激励机制 4
(三) 激励机制在地税干部队伍管理中的作用 5
二、国内外激励机制的相关理论 5
(一) 中国古代激励理论简介 5
(二) 西方古代激励理论简介 5
(三) 西方现代激励理论简介 6
三、莆田市当前地税干部激励机制存在问题分析 6
(一)莆田市地税局干部队伍现状 6
(二) 莆田市地税局干部激励机制现状调查分析 6
(三) 莆田市地税局干部激励机制中存在的问题 9
四、完善地税干部激励机制对策研究 11
(一)完善地税干部激励机制的意义 11
(二)健全完善地税干部激励机制的原则 12
(三)完善地税干部激励机制的具体措施 13 [来源:http://Doc163.com]
五、结束语 14
致谢: 14
参考文献: 14 [来源:http://Doc163.com]