摘 要
关键词: 国有企业,财务管理,财务管理模式分析
State-owned enterprise financial management model research
With the economic globalization is speeding up, China urgent needs to establish economic power image,coupled with the gradual reform of national economic system, the initial establishment of the socialist economic system, the development of state-owned enterprises has been more and more threat. The state-owned enterprise is the economic foundation and basis for the development of state-owned enterprises is a good financial management and financial management have affected the business environment, so different enterprises need to be adjusted according to the specific circumstances of financial management mode, this paper introduces the concept and development of state-owned enterprises in our country, several major problems and concepts of financial management mode and enterprise content, in order to promote the Economic development, so as to promote China's development. [版权所有:http://DOC163.com]
KEYWORDS:state-owned enterprise,financial management,financial management model analysis
目 录
1 绪论 1
1.1 问题的提出 1
1.2 研究背景与现状 1
2 国有企业财务管理模式概述 3
2.1 国有企业 3
2.2 财务管理概述 4
2.2.1 概念 4
2.2.2 内容 5
2.2.3 目标 5
2.2.4 特点 6
2.2.5 环境 6
2.2.6 意义 6
3 现有国有企业财务管理模式 7
3.1 集权式财务管理体制 7
3.1.1 概念 7
3.1.2 优缺点及适应范围 7
3.2 分权式财务管理体制 8
3.2.1 概念 8
3.2.2 优缺点 8
3.3 集权分权相结合的财务管理体制 9
4 发展现状及存在问题 11 [版权所有:http://DOC163.com]
4.1 发展现状 11
4.2 存在问题 11
4.2.1 企业方面 11
4.2.2 国家 12
5 针对国有企业财务管理模式下出现问题的改善对策 13
5.1 企业方面 13
5.1.1 科学的资金管理 13
5.1.2 加强内部控制 13
5.1.3 集权有度,适当分权 14
5.1.4 明确财权分配问题 14
5.1.5 优化企业内部财务管理环境 14
5.2 国家方面 14
5.3 社会方面 15
参考文献 16
后 记 17