摘 要
In recent years, with the rapid development of our socialist market economy and the continuous improvement of the economic system, the existing enterprises in our country have gradually stepped into the stage of steady development, but they still face a variety of operational risks, among which the financial risk is one of the biggest risks faced by the enterprises. Financial risk runs through the process of enterprise production and management, closely related to the survival and development of enterprises. It is one of the important directions of financial management research to pay close attention to financial risk.
Through the analysis of the characteristics and causes of the current enterprise financial risk, this paper studies the present situation of the enterprise financial risk in the regular transformation of the enterprise production, probes into the measures to prevent the financial risk management, and puts forward the corresponding reasonable risk avoidance suggestions, and establishes a perfect risk prewarning analysis system and the financial risk of the company. It is of great practical significance to effectively prevent and control and maintain healthy, stable and rapid development of the company.
Key words: enterprise; financial risk; prevention
摘 要 2
Abstract 3
一、企业财务风险防范的意义 5
(一)企业财务风险防范是企业适应外部环境变化的要求 5
(二)企业财务风险防范是实现经营目标的前提 5
(三)企业财务风险防范是企业加强自身建设的需要 6 [版权所有:http://DOC163.com]
二、企业财务风险产生的因素分析 6
(一)外部因素 7
1、企业财务环境变化产生的影响 7
2、国家政策变化产生的影响 7
3、金融政策变化产生的影响 7
(二)内部因素 8
1、企业财务人员风险意识的淡薄 8
2、企业财务决策缺乏科学性 8
3、企业存货和应收账款机制不健全 9
4、企业财务管理内控制度不健全 9
5、企业资本结构不合理 9
三、企业财务风险防范措施 10
1、提高企业财务管理适应能力和应变能力 10
2、加强对宏观环境的分析 10
3、完善企业财务管理系统的自身环境 10
4、建立财务风险管理预警机制 10
(二)提高企业管理的财务风险意识 11
1、提高管理者的财务风险意识 11
2、提高财务人员风险意识 11 [资料来源:http://doc163.com]
(三)构建科学的财务决策机制 11
1、建立科学的财务决策体制 11
2、加强决策者对风险的管控 12
(四)加强企业的资产管理 12
(五)健全企业财务内部控制制度 12
(六)合理安排企业资本结构 13
总结 13
参 考 文 献 14 [资料来源:http://Doc163.com]