摘 要
In the insurance industry promising broad market, under the precondition of china pacific property insurance co ltd, with a chance to have wide customer base, and will continue to lead the market place. the company has improved financial organization structure and functioning departments, it is clear division of the meticulous work in place, but owing to lack of experience in creativity, management and the people in the construction work is not enough, in the future of road, innovation and constantly adjust the structure of products, Actively develop cultural development and improving the staff of the comprehensive ability to improve its methods of management. [资料来源:http://www.doc163.com]
Key words : property insurance; financial management; financial organization
目 录
摘 要 I
Abstract II
第一章 绪论 1
1.1研究背景 1
1.2 文献综述 1
1.3 研究方法与研究内容 2
第二章 太平洋财产保险公司介绍 4
2.1 公司介绍 4
2.2业务发展 4
2.2.1寿险:产品定位,增强盈利 4
2.2.2产险:地位稳固,快速增长 4
2.2.3资产管理:优化配置,分享牛市 5
2.3市场前景 5
2.3.1行业发展前景广阔 5
2.3.2具备良好投资价值 5
2.3.3广泛的客户基础、持续领先的市场地位 6
第三章 太平洋财险公司的财务管理 7
3.1结算中心组织架构 7
3.2分公司财务岗位职责 8 [资料来源:Doc163.com]
3.2.1财务助理岗位职责 8
3.2.2总收入组岗位职责 8
3.2.3总支付组岗位职责 8
3.2.4总财务单证组岗位职责 8
3.2.5保单收款工作流程图 9
3.2.6柜面收保费流程 10
3.2.7非柜面收保费流程 10
3.2.8其他业务收款流程 10
3.3财务管理存在的问题 10
3.3.1太保集团创新能力薄弱 10
3.3.2支公司财务基础管理薄弱 11
3.3.3支公司财务人才队伍薄弱 11
结 论 12
致 谢 14
参考文献 15