Nowadays, with the Industrial 4.0 program had been proposed, the application of automation technology became more broad and intelligentin the field of industrial. Automated control-systems automate industrial productive process by controlling computers,improvingproductivity in simple and repeated operations, enhancing accuracy and efficiency in sophisticated and complex operations, and replacing manpower in hazardous environments. As the main way to improve labor productivity,automation technology has greatly promoted the progress of industry. Automation technology has been widely used in machinery manufacturing, electricity,construction, transportation, information technology and other fields. [来源:http://Doc163.com]
This paper begins with introducing the current research status of industrial automation system at home and abroad.According to the requirements of the task book and the current industrial automation system model, an automatic control system of quarts shaking table will be built. The system will be introduced start from the analysis of the process, followed by the system hardware, software, human-computer interaction interface, etc., and finally the system on-line simulation will be shown.So that it can complete a efficient and safe automated work process which has practical value in the industrial automation system.
Keywords:industrial automatic control system ; PLC;quarts shaking table
摘要 I
Abstract II
1绪论 2
1.1研究背景及意义 2
1.2工业自动化控制系统研究现状 2
1.3本文的主要内容 4
2晶英石振动台控制系统简介 6
2.1振动台系统工艺流程介绍 6
2.1.1料车运送填料至中途仓 6
2.1.2抽真空制造真空仓 7
2.1.3中途仓下料到振动台并填料 7
2.1.4振动台系统复位 7
2.2振动台系统硬件配置及选型 8
2.3 本章小结 9
3晶英石振动台控制系统硬件设计 10
3.1电气控制设计 10
3.1.1电源供电、保护及信号回路 10 [资料来源:www.doc163.com]
3.1.2电机控制回路 10
3.1.3隔离变压器与引出电源 12
3.2控制原理设计 13
3.3 PLC原理图 15
3.4 外部接线图 18
3.5 本章小结 20
4晶英石振动台控制系统软件设计 21
4.1系统PLC程序介绍 21
4.1.1料车运送填料至中途仓 21
4.1.2 主仓抽真空与中途仓下料到振动台并填料 23
4.1.3振动台系统复位 26
4.2HMI界面设计 28
4.3通讯设置介绍与仿真 29
4.3.1通讯设置介绍 29
4.3.2 仿真与结果介绍 29
4.4本章小结 31
5.1总结 32
5.2展望 32
致谢 36
附录 37 [来源:http://Doc163.com]