摘 要
With the continuous development of China's industrial automation level, as the bridge of industrial development and support, automatic control areas are also facing many problems and challenges. At present, in China's industrial production and operation of the boiler drum level control system, there are still widespread high level of automatic control, safety performance and reliability is low, the efficiency of automation and industrial pollution is lower than the national standards. How to ensure the safe, stable and efficient operation of the boiler level system in the process of industrialization in our country has become an important subject of current research. Therefore, to achieve the boiler drum level of computer automatic control of China's industrial development and people's living standards are of great significance.
Boiler is a factory in the production of steam equipment and equipment in the factory can not replace the role. If the boiler level below the standard value, easy to burn the boiler, and then a serious production accident; if the boiler level above the standard value, easy to water with some sublimation of water, and then there will be water overflow risk. Therefore, in the use of the boiler production process, to ensure that the liquid level in the normal standard value is essential for a job.
This design is based on Matlab and MCGS configuration software based on the realization of a relatively new design, using Matlab PID algorithm and MCGS visualization of the combination of the way, the establishment of Matlab and MCGS dynamic data exchange between the DDE communication, The control strategy of the three - impulse boiler drum level is adopted to achieve the ideal control effect, and the three - impulse control system of the boiler drum level is monitored.
Key words: Matlab; MCGS;DDE; Three impulse; boiler
摘 要 1
第一章 绪论 1
1.1设计目的与背景 1
1.2锅炉的基本概况 1
1.3锅炉液位控制系统的发展与现状 2
1.4本文设计的内容 3
第二章 锅炉汽包液位的动态特性分析与控制方法 5
2.1锅炉汽包液位的动态特性分析 5
2.1.1锅炉汽包液位动态平衡分析 5
2.1.2锅炉给水流量扰动对锅炉液位的影响 5
2.1.3锅炉蒸汽流量扰动对锅炉液位的影响 6
2.2锅炉汽包液位控制方法 7
2.2.1单冲量控制 7
2.2.2双冲量控制 8
2.2.3三冲量控制 9
第三章 PID控制理论分析与锅炉汽包液位PID的控制 12
3.1 PID控制器的简述、结构、优缺点 12
3.1.1 PID控制器的简述 12
3.1.2 PID控制器的结构 13
3.1.3 PID控制器的优缺点 14
3.2 PID参数整定 15
3.2.1凑试法确定PID调节参数 15
3.2.2实践经验法确定PID调节参数 15
3.3锅炉汽包液位PID控制系统的建立 16
3.3.1单冲量PID控制系统 16
3.3.2双冲量PID控制系统 17
3.3.3三冲量PID控制系统 18
3.3.4三种控制系统的比较 20
第四章 MCGS锅炉组态设计 23
4.1 MCGS简介 23
4.1.1 MCGS组态软件 23 [资料来源:Doc163.com]
4.1.2 MCGS组态软件的系统构成 23
4.1.3MCGS组态软件的功能与特点 25
4.1.4MCGS组态软件的工作方式 25
4.2 MCGS锅炉液位监控系统的设计 25
第五章 Matlab与MCGS通信设计 28
5.1动态数据交换DDE技术 28
5.2 MCGS中DDE设置 28
5.3Matlab/Simulink仿真及DDE连接 30
5.4系统运行调试 32
第六章 总结与展望 36
6.1总结 36
6.2展望 36
参考文献 38
致谢 39 [资料来源:http://doc163.com]